
Text Script Inclusions Manager generate contents from any text file based on shell instructions

pip install tsincluder==0.1.1



I need to generate a changelog based on git content. I want to controle the structure of the changelog but I don't want to manage the git content.

### from 2016-01 to 2016-05

  We implements feature activation ...

  * 2016-04-13 : Fabien Arcellier : feat: activate ...
  * 2016-04-10 : Fabien Arcellier : feat: add index ...
  * 2016-04-10 : Fabien Arcellier : feat: add search ...
  * ...

I need to manage the format and the place of content myself and let git generate some contents from a file CHANGELOG.md.in

### from 2016-01 to 2016-05

  We implements feature activation ...

  * @tsincluder git log --date=short --pretty=format:'%ad : %aN : %s'  --abbrev-commit --since="1/1/2016" --until="4/31/2016" | grep feat

To generate CHANGELOG.md, run

tsincluder CHANGELOG.md.in > CHANGELOG.md


tsincluder means Text Script Inclusion Manager. tsincluder is a cli and a library you can call from a python script that will replace a markup as @tsincluder echo hello world by hello world.

It keep the content that prefix the markup to generate a valid format as markdown and add it on all the lines if tsincluder generate many lines.

The latest version

You can find the latest version to ...

git clone https://github.com/FabienArcellier/tsincluder.git


run tsincluder to replace the markers @tsinclude (text script include) by the content generate by the command on stdout

python -m tsincluder file.in

to use it as a library

from tsincluder import Processor

line = " * @tsincluder git log --date=short --pretty=format:'%ad : %aN : %s'  --abbrev-commit --since="1/1/2016" --until="4/31/2016" | grep feat"
processor = Processor()
content = processor.process(line)

As tsincluder executes a subprocess command, the script can configure the working directory and markup

from tsincluder import Processor

processor = Processor(working_directory="/tmp", markup="@other_markup")


Install tsincluder using PyPi

pip install tsincluder

Install tsincluder from the source

python setup.py install


Use make to execute unit tests.

make tests


  • Fabien Arcellier


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