
A TUI for every CLI

argparse, cli, python, tui
pip install tuiview==0.1.0a2


TUIview [tv]

A TUI for every CLI 📺

Documentation | Slide Deck | Git Repo

TUIview [tv] allows you to create Textual User Interfaces (TUIs) for command-line interfaces (CLIs) that do not provide their own TUI.

By prefixing any supported CLI command with the tv command -- tv <program> -- you can interact with a TUI form to interactively build and execute CLI commands for <program>.

TUIview accepts spec from YAML files, or from Python files that implement an Argparse ArgumentParser.

TUIview is a tool for displaying these "programs", and also provides a built-in repository of curated programs.

Care to contribute or improve a TV program? PRs welcome 🤙


pipx install tuiview


pip install tuiview



Legend: 🟢 = Verified 🟡 = Unverified ⚪ = ToDo

  • 🟢 pastel

  • 🟡 alacritty

  • 🟡 cloc

  • 🟡 delta

  • 🟡 df

  • 🟡 diff

  • 🟡 du

  • 🟡 fd

  • 🟡 figlet

  • 🟡 git

  • 🟡 gping

  • 🟡 grep

  • 🟡 jq

  • 🟡 mods

  • 🟡 pandoc

  • 🟡 ping

  • 🟡 rsync

  • 🟡 scc

  • 🟡 tree

  • 🟡 unzip

  • 🟡 watch

  • ⚪ ansible

  • ⚪ asciinema

  • ⚪ bandwhich

  • ⚪ conda

  • ⚪ curl

  • ⚪ curlie

  • ⚪ dig

  • ⚪ docker

  • ⚪ dog

  • ⚪ duf

  • ⚪ dust

  • ⚪ entr

  • ⚪ ffmpeg

  • ⚪ gh

  • ⚪ git-cliff

  • ⚪ grex

  • ⚪ gum

  • ⚪ httpie

  • ⚪ hugo

  • ⚪ hyperfine

  • ⚪ jupyter

  • ⚪ kubectl

  • ⚪ marp

  • ⚪ mkdocs

  • ⚪ ntfy

  • ⚪ ouch

  • ⚪ pip

  • ⚪ pipx

  • ⚪ procs

  • ⚪ pyenv

  • ⚪ pylint

  • ⚪ pytest

  • ⚪ ripgrep

  • ⚪ sd

  • ⚪ ser (servicer)

  • ⚪ tar

  • ⚪ tox

  • ⚪ tre

  • ⚪ vimdiff

  • ⚪ wget

  • ⚪ zoxide

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