Tumbler is a simple layer that leverage flask with nice logs and automated settings management

pip install tumbler==0.0.21


tumbler 0.0.20

Flask workflow

1. install

pip install tumbler

2. create your controllers

# foo.py

from tumbler import tumbler, json_response

route = tumbler.module(__name__)

def index():
    return json_response({'ok': True}, 200)

def api():
    return json_response({'foo': ['bar']}, 200)

3. run

tumbler run foo.py
tumbler run foo.py --port=3000
tumbler run foo.py --host= --port=8080

4. unit and functional tests

simple steps:

1 - On the root of your project folder create the folder: tests/unit and tests/functional:

mkdir -p tests/{unit,functional}

2 - Create a __init__.py file inside of all the directories

touch tests/{unit,functional,}/__init__.py

3 - To take advantage of "sure's" syntax, import sure in the main init file of each test folder.

printf 'import sure\nsure\n' > tests/unit/__init__.py
printf 'import sure\nsure\n' > tests/functional/__init__.py

4 - Install test dependencies

tumbler dependencies  # will install local environment dependencies

5 - Run your tests!

tumbler unit
tumbler functional

6 - Browse the examples

  1. a functional test
  2. a simple angularjs-based clock

7 - Learn more about testing flask

Tumbler is just a nice wrapper around Flask, giving you a test runner and a few other utilities. It tries to help you with tedious tasks that you might need to perform in your flask apps while trying to keep your web stack as thin as possible.

With that in mind, writing functional tests for your controllers can be done like in the flask official documentation

5. deploy

# wsgi.py

import foo

# importing your routes is enough for tumbler to find them in memory
# and load up your web application

from tumbler.core import Web

application = Web(
    use_sqlalchemy=False  # or true if you're using a SQL db
uwsgi --http-socket --chdir /home/foobar/myproject/ --wsgi-file wsgi.py --master --processes 4 --threads 2 --stats