
This module provides access to the Tuxedo ATMI API for the Python programming language.

pip install tuxmodule==1.0


Welcome to the Python Module for Oracle Tuxedo (tuxmodule) Project Homepage

This module provides access to the Tuxedo ATMI API for the Python programming language.


  • Write Tuxedo clients (both /WS and native) in Python (2.x and 3.2)
  • Write Tuxedo servers
  • Dynamic reload of python code for servers (optional)
  • Support for STRING and FML buffer types. FML buffers are mapped to Python dictionaries with list elements.
  • Full Tuxedo ATMI support (tpcall, tpacall, tpgetrply, tppost, tpsubscribe, tpnotify, tpsetunsol, tpdequeue, tpenqueue, tpbegin, tpabort, tpcommit, tpsectxt, tpinit, tpadvertise, userlog, tpsetctxt (multithreaded client for Tuxedo > Rel 7))

Build and Install

First, build the module:

  • Check-out or download the source code for Python 2.x or for Python 3.x
  • Set TUXDIR (for example, export TUXDIR=/opt/bea/tuxedo8.1)
  • Make sure that you use the desired version of python on the command line
  • Run python setup.py build --force to compile the sources
  • Run python setup.py install to install in YOUR_PYTHON_LIB_DIR/site-packages/tuxedo
  • A package tuxedo will be built, with the shared objects atmi.so and atmiws.so in it.

To run the example / test:

  • cd test
  • The IPC key is set to 77662 and the WSH port is 7766. Adjust in ubbconfig and setenv if you need other values.
  • Source setenv (. ./setenv) - make sure you still have TUXDIR set!
  • Run make to build TUXCONFIG, QFS and the executables for servers and clients.
  • Run tmboot -y to start the Tuxedo application.
  • Run testclient.py - this will test the ATMI interface.
  • Run send.py to test a conversational service.
  • Run simpcl.py, the equivalent of $TUXDIR/apps/simpapp.
  • Run tmshutdown -y followed by make clean when you are done. This also cleans up Tuxedo's IPC resources.


Remote (/WS) and local client versions of the library will be built. Use the following for the (local) native client:

  from tuxedo.atmi import * 

and this one for the (network remote) /WS client:

  from tuxedo.atmiws import *

"simpapp" written in Python

The Tuxedo installation contains a simple example application, "simpapp". This is the Python version of that application:


  import tuxedo.atmi

  print tuxedo.atmi.tpcall("TOUPPER", "Hello World")


  from tuxedo.atmi import *
  import string
  import sys

  class server:
     def init(self, arg):

     def TOUPPER(self, arg):
        userlog("Client-ID = %s" % (self.cltid))
        return string.upper(arg)

  if __name__ == '__main__':
     tuxedo.atmi.mainloop(sys.argv, server(), None)

For information on how to use all the ATMI functions that are implemented by the module, have a look at the examples in the testclient.py and pyserver.py files in the test directory.