
Show you the money in your Taiwan banks

pip install twbanker==0.2.1


TW Banker (台灣銀行家)

Show you the money in your Taiwan banks with a simple command:

$ twbanker ctbc
ID card number: ***
Username: ***
Password: ***
TWD     1000.00     000000123456789
USD      100.00     000000987654321
TWD     4000.00               TOTAL

Current supported banks

  • Chunghwa Post (中華郵政)
  • CTBC Bank (中國信託)
  • First Bank (第一銀行)
  • Shin Kong Bank (新光銀行)
  • Standard Chartered (渣打銀行)


(sudo) pip install twbanker


$ twbanker --help
Usage: twbanker [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Show you the money in your Taiwan banks.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  chartered  Show you money in Standard Chartered
  ctbc       Show you money in CTBC Bank
  first      Show you money in First Bank
  post       Show you money in Chunghwa Post
  shinkong   Show you money in Shin Kong Bank

How It Works & Disclaimer

TW Banker is a simple web crawler that logs in your bank's web site and parses out your bank balances. It asks for your login crendentials every time you execute the command. It does not store any of your login crendentials locally nor remotely, so using this tool should be pretty safe.

I use this tool personally and I will do my best to make it safe to use. However, I do not guarantee that the tool is 100% safe. I (the author) and any future contributors of TW Banker will not account for any lost caused by using this tool. Please use at your own risk.