
A command line tool for time-delaying your tweets.

pip install tweetqueue==0.1.1



A command line tool for time-delaying your tweets.


$ pip install tweetqueue


tweetqueue requires a JSON configuration file with the following entries

    "API_KEY": "YourAPIKey",
    "API_SECRET": "YourAPISecret",
    "ACCESS_TOKEN": "yourAccessToken",
    "ACCESS_TOEKN_SECRET": "yourAccessTokenSecret",
    "DATABASE_LOCATION": "/a/file/path"

You can get the Twitter api values by creating an application at Twitter Apps. To make creating the configuration file easier, you can use the config command.

$ tweetqueue config

By default, tweetqueue looks for a configuration file called .tweetqueue in your user's home directory. You can change the location of your configuration file by either setting the environment variable TWEETQUEUE_CONFIG or supplying the path on the command line.

$ tweetqueue --config /path/to/your/config COMMAND


To add a message to your queue, use the queue command tweetqueue queue "Hello, Twitter!". Messages added to your queue are not sent to Twitter until the dequeue command is called. tweetqueue dequeue will take the first message in the queue and post it to your Twitter timeline. Messages are dequeued in the order they are added, in a first in first out order.

If you want to bypass the queue, you can use tweetqueue tweet "Hello, Twitter!" This will immediately post Hello, Twitter! to your timeline.

Managing Your Queue

You can show your current queue with tweetqueue show. This will print out a list of the tweets and an associated id. You can remove a tweet from your queue using this id with tweetqueue delete ID.