
Python wrappers for the 2stream radiative transfer model

pip install twostream==1.0.0


2stream wrappers for Python

This package provides Python wrappers for the 2stream radiative transfer model by Bernard Pinty. The original Fortran code was downloaded form here. The model is described in Pinty *et al.* (2006), the full reference being


    author = { Pinty, B. and Lavergne, T. and Dickinson, R. E. and Widlowski, J.-L. and Gobron, N. and Verstraete, M. M.},
    year = {2006},
    title = {Simplifying the Interaction of Land Surfaces with Radiation for Relating Remote Sensing Products to Climate Models},
    journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres},
    volume = {111},
    number = {2},
    doi = {10.1029/2005JD005952},

Please visit the Two Stream webpage for conditions and restrictions in using this software. Remember to cite and acknowledge the authors of the original model.

Any problems about the Python wrappers, get in touch with me <>.