
Convert raw text data files into a single excel file.

raw, text, data, convert, excel, xls
pip install txt2xls==0.2.2



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txt2xls convert raw text data files into a single excel file. It use maidenhair for reading raw text files so any kind of raw text file can be used if there is a maidenhair plugins.


Use pip like:

$ pip install txt2xls

Quick Usage

Assume there are several raw text data files like:

# Sample1.txt
0 10
1 20
2 30
3 40
4 50
5 60
# Sample2.txt
0 15
1 25
2 35
3 45
4 55
5 65
# Sample3.txt
0 12
1 22
2 32
3 42
4 52
5 62

Then run txt2xls with

% txt2xls -o output Sample*.txt

It will produce output.xls file. The excel file have Sample1, Sample2, and Sample3 sheets.


usage: txt2xls [-h] [-v] [-p PARSER] [-l LOADER] [-u USING] [--unite]
            [--unite-basecolumn UNITE_BASECOLUMN]
            [--unite-function UNITE_FUNCTION] [--classify]
            [--classify-function CLASSIFY_FUNCTION] [--relative]
            [--relative-origin RELATIVE_ORIGIN]
            [--relative-basecolumn RELATIVE_BASECOLUMN] [--baseline]
            [--baseline-basecolumn BASELINE_BASECOLUMN]
            [--baseline-function BASELINE_FUNCTION]
            [--peakset-method {argmax,argmin}]
            [--peakset-basecolumn PEAKSET_BASECOLUMN]
            [--peakset-where-function PEAKSET_WHERE_FUNCTION]
            [--raise-exception] [-o OUTFILE]
            infiles [infiles ...]

positional arguments:
infiles               Path list of data files or directories which have data

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-v, --version         show program's version number and exit
--raise-exception     If it is specified, raise exceptions.
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                        An output filename without extensions. The required
                        filename extension will be automatically determined
                        from an output format.

Reading options:
-p PARSER, --parser PARSER
                        A maidenhair parser name which will be used to parse
                        the raw text data.
-l LOADER, --loader LOADER
                        A maidenhair loader name which will be used to load
                        the raw text data.
-u USING, --using USING
                        A colon (:) separated column indexes. It is used for
                        limiting the reading columns.

Unite options:
--unite               Join the columns of classified dataset with respecting
                        --unite-basecolumn.The dataset is classified with
--unite-basecolumn UNITE_BASECOLUMN
                        An index of columns which will be used as a base
                        column for regulating data point region.
--unite-function UNITE_FUNCTION
                        A python script file path or a content of python
                        lambda expression which will be used for classifing
                        dataset. If it is not spcified, a filename character
                        before period (.) will be used to classify.

Classify options:
--classify            Classify dataset with --classify-function. It will
                        influence the results of --relative and --baseline.
--classify-function CLASSIFY_FUNCTION
                        A python script file path or a content of python
                        lambda expression which will be used for classifing
                        dataset. If it is not specified, a filename character
                        before the last underscore (_) will be used to

Relative options:
--relative            If it is True, the raw data will be converted to
                        relative data from the specified origin, based on the
                        specified column. See `--relative-origin` and
                        `--relative-basecolumn` also.
--relative-origin RELATIVE_ORIGIN
                        A dataset number which will be used as an orign of the
                        relative data. It is used with `--relative` option.
--relative-basecolumn RELATIVE_BASECOLUMN
                        A column number which will be used as a base column to
                        make the data relative. It is used with `--relative`

Baseline options:
--baseline            If it is specified, the specified data file is used as
                        a baseline of the dataset. See `--baseline-basecolumn`
                        and `--baseline-function` also.
--baseline-basecolumn BASELINE_BASECOLUMN
                        A column index which will be proceeded for baseline
                        regulation. It is used with `--baseline` option.
--baseline-function BASELINE_FUNCTION
                        A python script file path or a content of python
                        lambda expression which will be used to determine the
                        baseline value from the data. `columns` and `column`
                        variables are available in the lambda expression.

Peakset options:
--peakset-method {argmax,argmin}
                        A method to find peak data point.
--peakset-basecolumn PEAKSET_BASECOLUMN
                        A column index which will be used for finding peak
                        data point.
--peakset-where-function PEAKSET_WHERE_FUNCTION
                        A python script file path or a content of python
                        lambda expression which will be used to limit the
                        range of data points for finding. peak data point.
                        `data` is available in the lambda expression.


You can create configure file as ~/.config/txt2xls/txt2xls.cfg (Linux), ~/.txt2xls.cfg (Mac), or %APPDATA%\txt2xls\txt2xls.cfg (Windows).

The default preference is equal to the configure file as below:

raise_exception = False

parser = 'parsers.PlainParser'
loader = 'loaders.PlainLoader'
using = None

    enabled = False
    function = 'builtin:classify_function'

    enabled = False
    function = 'builtin:unite_function'
    basecolumn = 0

    enabled = False
    origin = 0
    basecolumn = 1

    enabled = False
    function = 'builtin:baseline_function'
    basecolumn = 1

default_filename = 'output.xls'

    method = 'argmax'
    basecolumn = -1
    where_function = 'builtin:where_function'

I don't use Microsoft Windows so the location of the configure file in Windows might be wrong. Let me know if there are any mistakes.