
A wrapper around the Tornado web framework that supports logs with traceId.

logging, tornado, trace
pip install typhoon-web==2.0.0


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   |_   _|   _ _ __ | |__  based on Tornado
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Typhoon is a wrapper around the Tornado web framework. It offers the ability to attach log records with a trace id, which is used to trace individual HTTP requests. By default Typhoon obtains trace id from the request's header X-TRACEID. To change this behavior, subclass typhoon.web.Application and overwrite the get_trace_id method.


  • tornado >= 5.1


  • Use pip:
    pip install typhoon-web
    pip install typhoon-web --upgrade
  • Clone repository and install with:
    python setup.py install

Hello, world

Here is a simple “Hello, world” example web app for Typhoon:

import logging
import time

import tornado.ioloop
import typhoon.web
import typhoon.log

class MainHandler(typhoon.web.RequestHandler):
    def process(self):
        logging.info('go to sleep')
        logging.info('wake up')
        return 'Hello, world'

    async def get(self):
        result = await self.process()
    # Native coroutine (using async def and await) was introduced in Python 3.5.
    # For previous version, use generator-based coroutine. 
    # For example:
    # @tornado.gen.coroutine
    # def get(self):
    #     result = yield self.process()
    #     self.write(result)

def make_app():
    return typhoon.web.Application([
        (r'/', MainHandler),

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = make_app()

In this example, three different log files will be generated in the log_path:

  • access.log records summaries of each http request.
  • stats.log records messages for statistics and analysis.
  • app.log contains all logs that are neither access logs nor stats logs.

To log to stats.log, use an instance of typhoon.log.StatsLogger:

import typhoon.log

stats_log = typhoon.log.StatsLogger()

stats_log.info({'user_count': 100})
stats_log.info({'job_register': 20}, topic='register')

Notice that logging methods of StatsLogger only accept a dict object as message.

Trace id

By default trace id is automatically obtained and handled by Typhoon only when the client sends a request with a header X-TRACEID: some-value:

$ curl -H "X-TRACEID: ceon1haa6cau1dung1"

To customize the way trace id is passed, subclass typhoon.web.Application and overwrite the get_trace_id method.

import typhoon.web

class MyApplication(typhoon.web.Application):
    def get_trace_id(self, handler):
        # obtain trace id from URL Parameter.
        return handler.get_argument('traceId', '-')

In the above example, trace id is passed through an URL parameter:

$ curl

You may have to call another service and pass down the trace id. In this case, use typhoon.log.TRACE_ID() to obtain current trace id:

import requests
import typhoon.web
import typhoon.log

class MainHandler(typhoon.web.RequestHandler):
    def process(self):
        # call another service and pass down current trace id.
        r = request.get('', header={'X-TRACEID': typhoon.log.TRACE_ID()})
        if r.status_code == 200:
            return 'Hello, world'
            return 'oops!'

    async def get(self):
        result = await self.process()

[new] High-Level API

For those who are not familiar with Tornado, Typhoon provides high-level api since v1.0.2.

Neither RequestHandler, nor Application. Just subclass typhoon.rest.RestControler, and decorated method with typhoon.rest.route decorator.

Here is a “Hello, world” example.

from typhoon.rest import RestController, RestResult, route, start_server
from typhoon.status import OK

class Controller(RestController):
    @route(uri=r'/hello', method='get')
    def greet(self, user=None):
        if user is not None:
            content = f'Hello, {user}'
            content = 'Hello, world'
        return RestResult(status=OK, content=content)

if __name__ == '__main__':
        controller = Controller(),