
My Personal Playground

ultirequiem, utilities, playground, python, oop, poetry, python3, python-practice, python-study, python310
pip install ultiplayground==0.1.5


Python Playground

CodeQL PyTest Pylint Code Style PyPi Version Repo Size License: MIT Lines of Code GitMoji Pylint Score


Python is an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language. It is the first programming language I learned, so I have quite a bit of experience with it.

To manage dependencies and build this package I'm using Poetry, and to test my functions Pytest. And if you are curious my code editor is Neovim.

Using GitHub Actions every time that I push a commit, the project is analyzed using CodeQL and tested with PyTest. Furthermore, every time I release a new version, the package is automatically published to PyPI.

I do some exercises and challenges every day in: UltiRequiem/daily-python-practice

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