
Search a large university database for basic information.

university, data, search, api
pip install universities==1.1.0




Python package to search for basic university information. This packages obtains information from Hipo/university-domains-list's database. It is fully compatible with Python 2.6 and up.


Your preference should be to use PyPi: pip install universities

Source and wheel distributions are available in the releases tab as well.


import universities

uni = universities.API() # can specify encoding for use in Python 2

canadian = uni.search(country = "Canada")
only_mit = uni.search(domain = "mit.edu")
all_data = uni.get_all()
waterloo = uni.lucky(name = "Waterloo") # As in "I'm feeling lucky"

Available Functions

  • universities.search searches the entire database for universities matching the specified critera. You may filter by name, domain or country as arguments to search. This returns a list of universities.models.University objects.
  • universities.lucky is an alias for search which only returns the first result of the search. All the same parameters are available, and a single universities.models.University is returned.
  • universities.get_all returns all of the entries in the database, in the same format as search. In fact, this is simply an alias for search that uses no arguments.

Any query which reurns multiple objects will return a Generator.


  • universities.models.University is the basic model returned in all requests. It contains six fields:
    • name: The name of the university.
    • domains: A list of domain names the university uses (for emails, etc).
    • web_pages: A list of web pages associated with the university.
    • country_code: The two-letter ISO-3166 country code where the university is located.
    • stateprov: The state or province the university is located. This is usually not populated.
    • country: The full country name where the university is located.


The only requirement is requests.


  1. Clone/fork the git repository.
  2. cd to the directory and install the requirements if necessary: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Edit to your heart's content!
  4. If you wish to contribute, push your changes to GitHub on your own fork and make a pull request.

Note: Any contributions should be made following the PEP8 standard.