
Twitter bot to tweet uplifting images at twitter users

pip install upbeatbot==0.0.3



Twitter bot to tweet uplifting images at twitter users


Simply tweet a mention at UpBeatBot (@UpBeatBot) on Twitter to receive a cute picture tweeted at you

Running UpBeatBot

To run UpBeatBot on your own, download the source code and create a .env file that contains your twitter bot's authentication keys. You can copy the .example_env file to .env and replace with your relevant keys

Next, create a Python virtual environment running python3. Assuming you have the virtualenv package installed, you can run the following command in this directory to get it set up:

virtualenv -p $(which python3) venv

Activate the virtual environment by entering source venv/bin/activate from the project directory

Finally, install the requirements by entering pip install -r requirements.txt from the project root. This will install the needed dependencies in the virtual environment for use by the program

Runing ./main.py will start the TwitterBot, it will log information about program execution to a log file (dev.log) in the directory UpBeatBot is stored in

Running Unit Tests

To run the unit tests for this project, enter python -m unittest discover -v from the project root. You'll see the output of every test method, and if any fail an explanation as to why they failed.

Packing Application

To build UpBeatBot for publishing to PyPi, you'll need to build and upload the upbeatbot package

  1. Build the package

python setup.py bdist bdist_wheel

  1. Upload to PyPi

python -m twine upload dist/*