
API for Urban Rivals collection management

pip install urcollectionmanager==1.1.3


Urban Rivals Collection Management API (urcollectionmanager)

A module to support reading player purchase history data and storing it in a database.

Puchases History Use:
  1. Import api from urcollectionmanager

  2. Create a request.Session and pass it, along with your credentials to session_connect_to_ur

  3. Pass that same session (now authenticated) to get_purchase_history along with the number of pages to scrape.

  4. Pass the result to convert_purchase_history

    Optionally: Pass result to your own HTML parser.

  5. You now have a list of Purchase objects that contain all relevant information available from the purchase history page.

Missions Use:
  1. Import api from urcollectionmanager

  2. Create a request.Session and pass it, along with your credentials to session_connect_to_ur

  3. Pass that same session (now authenticated) to get_missions_list along with the mission category to find. An empty string returns everything.

  4. Pass the result to convert_missions

    Optionally: Pass result to your own HTML parser.

  5. You now have a list of Mission objects that contain all relevent information available from the missions page.

Database Use:
  1. Run connect_and_initialize_database if you have a particular database location you want to connect to. By default this will connect to data/collection.sqlite

  2. Pass a list of Purchase objects to write_history_to_database

    If using convert_purchase_history, you will need to flatten the list of lists

  3. Once the database has Purchase objects in it, you can run get_history_from_database to retrieve them.

  4. Similarly, you can run write_missions_to_database to write Mission objects and get_missions_from_database to read mission Mission objects from the same database as Purchases.


How To Use Tools:
  • To run the project (preferably configure venv first)
>>> poetry install
  • To configure your venv
>>> python -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
>>> poetry env info
  • If env info does not match your path, try manually running Scripts/activate inside that environment
  • To add a dependency (add a -D if it's only for development)
>>> poetry add <dependency>
>>> git add
>>> cz c
  • More options can be found under options under Commitizen
Update .pre-commit-config.yaml, then run
>>> pre-commit install
>>> pre-commit run --all-files


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