
Generator sugar.

pip install useless.pipes==0.0.1


Pseudo-hacky sugar around generators. If you write nested for loops or nested functions ``a(b(c([1,2,3])))`` this might help you. 

Basically it looks like this::

	[1, 2, 3] | add(2) | list == [3, 4, 5]


	def add(items, n):
		for i in items:
			yield i + n

The leftmost argument always is the iterator coming from the left side. The other arguments represent a bound state. Using this worker is a two-step process.


	adder = add(2)                # bind a state in a closure
	adder([1, 2, 3]) == [3, 4, 5] # apply an iterator

workers tend to be very simple and short, reusable and easy to test.


	def echo(items):
		for i in items: yield i
	echo = echo()   # echo 'has' no state
	assert [1, 2, 3] | echo == [1, 2, 3]

Sometimes you can achieve something like this::

	filter_audio_files = fs.filter_by_ext(['.mp3'])

	def folders_with_audio_files(path):
	    for root, folders, filenames in os.walk(path):
	        if any(filenames | filter_audio_files):
	            yield root

	def that_need_fix(paths):
		for path in paths:
			files     = listdir(path) | filter_audio_files | join_path(path) | list
			dos_names = files | get_83DOS_name | list

			if files.sort() != dos_names.sort():
				yield path
	that_need_fix = that_need_fix()

	# and the outermost commands in a script then look like this

	#give me all folders with mp3-files inside, e.g. print them to stdout
	#give me all folder that need a specific fix, aka dry-mode
	folders_with_audio_files(root) | that_need_fix 
	#actually apply a fix to these folders
	folders_with_audio_files(root) | that_need_fix | apply_fix