
A powerfull , flexible and modern python module to retrieve random useless facts from the mighty web . View more on the github page

pip install uselessfacts==1.0.3


Welcome to uselessfacts python module !

A powerfull , flexible and modern python module to retrieve random useless facts from the mighty web , special thanks to Joseph Paul for the api !

Getting started

  • Install the module with pip : pip install random-facts
  • Import it : import random-facts as r
  • You're set ! Consult the docs and get going

Api docs

The docs section

1- random_fact(format='json' , language='en')

1-1 Description

A function that generates a random useless fact

1-2 Params

format : string : Can be one of 'html' , 'md' , 'txt' or 'json' . Default is 'json' language : string : Can be one of 'de' (Dutch) or 'en' . Default is 'en'

1-3 Returns

Returns an object similar to :

{'status_code': 200, 'response': {'id': 'id of the fact , can be used in the get_fact() function to get its info', 'text': 'the fact itself', 'source': 'the source', 'source_url': 'the source url', 'language': 'its language', 'permalink': 'a link that lets you view the fact anytime anyplace'}}

2- daily_fact(format='json' , language='en')

2-1 Description

A function that gets today's fact , updated every 24 hours

2-2 Params

format : string : Can be one of 'html' , 'md' , 'txt' or 'json' . Default is 'json' language : string : Can be one of 'de' (Dutch) or 'en' . Default is 'en'

2-3 Returns

Returns an object similar to :

{'status_code': 200, 'response': {'id': 'id of the fact , can be used in the get_fact() function to get its info', 'text': 'the fact itself', 'source': 'the source', 'source_url': 'the source url', 'language': 'its language', 'permalink': 'a link that lets you view the fact anytime anyplace'}}

3- get_fact(id='json' , format='json')

3-1 Description

A function that gets a fact's info by its ID

3-2 Params

format : string : Can be one of 'html' , 'md' , 'txt' or 'json' . Default is 'json' id : string : a 36 of length string containing both numbers and characters . You must provide it or an exception will be raised

3-3 Returns

Returns an object similar to :

{'status_code': 200, 'response': {'id': 'id of the fact , can be used in the get_fact() function to get its info', 'text': 'the fact itself', 'source': 'the source', 'source_url': 'the source url', 'language': 'its language', 'permalink': 'a link that lets you view the fact anytime anyplace'}}

4- Examples

from uselessfacts import main 


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