
SQL query optimization hints

pip install user-query-optimizer==0.1.6



This API will help you optimize your sql queries for better performance.

How to use

Create an optimizer object specific to a single (database, schema) pair e.g. optimizer = get_optimizer("presto", schema)

Get optimization hints using optimize_query(query) e.g. presto_op.optimize_query(query)

Initial Optimization Checks

  • Using approximate algorithms (approx_distinct() instead of COUNT(DISTINCT ...))
  • Selecting the columns the user wants explicitly, rather than using (SELECT *)
  • Filtering on partitioned columns
  • Try to extract nested subqueries using a WITH clause.
  • Suggest filtering on most effective columns, by parquet-file ordering
  • Eliminate filtering overhead for partitioned columns

Other Stuff

  • Replace UNION with UNION ALL if duplicates do not need to be removed
  • Aggregate a series of LIKE clauses into one regexp_like expression
  • Push down a complex join condition into a sub query
  • Specify GROUP BY targets with numbers for expressions


To run unit tests, run py.test (or py.test -s to see stdout) in the tests directory.