
User configuration management library

pip install userconf==0.5.0



UserConf is a user configuration management Python library. It stores key-value settings in a JSON file and manages data files and directories. The JSON file and the data files and directories are inside a directory that is inside the user home directory.

Usage example

from userconf import UserConf

# Create an instance of the UserConf class providing an application ID. The
# settings JSON file is "settings.json" and the directory for data files and
# directories is "files". The "settings.json" file and the "files" directory
# will be created inside a directory which name is a period (".") followed by
# the application ID, which will be created inside the user's home directory
# (e.g. "/home/user/.app/settings.json" and "/home/user/.app/files" in Linux).
uc = UserConf("example-app")

# Set a setting value providing the setting ID and the value. The value can be
# any JSON serializable object (a string, an integer, a list, a dictionary...).
uc.settings.set("example-key", "Example value")

# Get a setting value given the setting ID. If the ID doesn't exist, None is
# returned.
value = uc.settings.get("example-key")

# Set a default value to return if the setting ID doesn't exist
value = uc.settings.get("example-key-2", "Default value")

# Delete a setting given its ID

# Delete all the settings

# Get an absolute path for a data file. This doesn't create the file but it
# creates its directory and all the intermediate directories if they don't
# exist, so that the application using this library can save data in this path
# without having to create its directory.
path = uc.files.get_path("example-file.txt")

How to install

We can install UserConf in the following ways:

Install from PyPI (Python Package Index)

pip install userconf

Install from the source code

python install

Generate a package and install it

We can generate and install the built package or the source archive from the source code. The wheel package is needed for generating the built package.

To generate and install the built package (preferred), run the following commands from the project directory:

pip install wheel
python bdist_wheel
pip install ./dist/notelist*.whl

To generate and install the source archive, run the following commands from the project directory:

python sdist
pip install ./dist/notelist*.tar.gz

How to run the unit tests

To run all the unit tests, run the following command from the project directory:

python -m unittest discover test