
Dataclasses Validators

pip install validateit==1.0.2


Validate It

Dataclass Validators.

typeforced decorator

Dataclasses module does not control types in runtime. With validateit you can force user to give propert date with propert type. validateit provides a class decorator for runtime typecheck. You have to decorate your dataclass with @typeforced.

>>> @typeforced
... @dataclass
... class Item:
...     name: str
...     idx : int
...     owners : List[str]

Lets try to create a valid Item

>>> Item("Sword", 1, ["damla"])
Item(name='Sword', idx=1, owners=['damla'])

Funny part :) Lets give int value to name field.

>>> Item(1515, 1, ["damla"])
TypeError: Unexpected type for 'name' (expected <class 'str'> but found <class 'int'>)

As you can see typeguard raised a TypeError because it expects a string but we give it an integer.

Lets make another example. Give a set object instead of List[str].

>>> Item("Sword", 1, {"damla"})
TypeError: Unexpected type for 'owners' (expected typing.List[str] but found <class 'set'>)


Validates types for specific fields instead of all fields (if you want to check types of all fields in runtime use typeforced).

Lets make an pet. We must force user to give name as string but we dont care type of idx.

>>> @dataclass
... class Pet:
...     idx: int
...     name: str = field(default=TypeValidator())
>>> Pet(15, "Minnos")
Pet(idx=15, name='Minnos')
>>> Pet(15, 1313)
TypeError: Unexpected type for 'name' (expected <class 'str'> but found <class 'int'>)
>>> Pet("fifteen", "Minnos") # No error cuz it is not runtime typevalidated.
Pet(idx='fifteen', name='Minnos')


Some integer specific validations. Can take max , min , max_digits, min_digits

>>> @dataclass
... class Integer:
...     number : int = field(default=IntegerValidator(min=15, max=150))
...     point  : int = field(default=IntegerValidator(min_digits=1, max_digits=10))
...     def __str__(self):
...         return f"{self.number}.{self.point}"
>>> str(Integer(20, 3333))
>>> Integer(14, 3333)
ValueError: Integer is not bigger than 15 (minimum limit)
>>> Integer(160, 3333)
ValueError: Integer is bigger than 150 (maximum limit)
>>> Integer(20, 339933993399339)
ValueError: Integer doesn't capable of having maximum 10 digits.


Some string specific validations. Can take max_chars , max_chars , startswith, endswith

>>> @dataclass
... class Person:
...     name: str = field(default=StringValidator(min_chars=5, max_chars=10))
...     surname: str = field(default=StringValidator(startswith='a', endswith='n'))
>>> Person("damla", "altun")
Person(name='damla', surname='altun')
>>> Person("daml", "altun")
ValueError: String doesn't capable of having minimum 5 chars.
>>> Person("damlaaaaaaaaa", "altun")
ValueError: String doesn't capable of having maximum 10 chars.
>>> Person("damla", "xaltun")
ValueError: String isn't starts with a
>>> Person("damla", "altunx")
ValueError: String isn't ends with n