
A systemd service that syncs vault secrets to secrets manager

pip install vault2secretsmanager==0.1.0


Brewfather to Pico

I am an SDK that transforms Brewfather recipes into pico brewing instructions.

How to install

python -m pip install bf2pico

How to use bf2pico

from bf2pico import BrewFather

recipe = BrewFather(

recipe = recipe.pico()

Command Tools

  • recipe - A cli to interact with brewfather recipes outputing in pico format.
  • events - A event process that updates the brew logs for active brews.

How to use a Chiller

If you want to add a chill to connect a chiller and use the Zymatic pump to run the wort through a chiller, you can do so. Add a misc ingredient to your recipe with the name Chill. Set the amount to the target temperature and the time to pump at that temperature.

In this screenshot, we are chilling to 70 degrees and pumping for 10 minutes after we hit our target temperature. chill screenshot

How to Whirlpool

If you want to add a Whirlpool hop addition, you do that by specifying the hop addition type being Aroma (Hopstand).

NOTE: The Whirlpool hops MUST BE the last bin used.

The screenshot below shows a Whirlpool for 27 minutes.

chill screenshot

Environment Variables

  • BF2PICO_CACHE: Default 1 minute, set the default cache time
  • BF2PICO_CACHE_LOCATION: Default ~/.bf2pico the location for the cache
  • BREWFATHER_USERID: The default user_id to use
  • BREWFATHER_APIKEY: The default api_key to use

How to install