
Removal of duplicated variants from a VCF

pip install vcf-dedup==0.4.9


VCF dedupper

VCF files may contain duplicated after normalisation or merging of VCFs. This module intends to remove those duplicates in a sensible way. This process is very specific to the variant caller, we only support Strelka, Starling and Platypus variant callers. The variant caller might be selected with the parameter --variant-caller.

Variant duplicates are identified by having the same genomic coordinates and optionally the same alternate allele. This is controlled with the parameter --equality-mode.

The currrent implementation takes into account:

  1. The filtering information. Whenever there is one and only one variant non filtered (i.e.: PASS) This will be the resulting variant.
  2. Other criteria are used when there is a collision in filtering status (i.e.: two or more non filtered variants or all filtered variants). This is set with --selection-method
    • Highest allele frequency (i.e.: ratio of supporting reads for the variant call)
      • if there is a tie, it selects the variant with the highest variant calling quality
      • if there is a tie again, it selects an arbitrary variant
    • Highest variant calling quality
      • if there is a tie, it selects the variant with the highest allele frequency
      • if there is a tie again, it selects an arbitrary variant
    • Greater number of allele calls
      • if there is a tie, it selects the variant with the highest allele frequency
      • if there is a tie again, it selects the variant with the highest variant calling quality
      • if there is a tie again, it selects an arbitrary variant

The output VCF should not contain any duplicate.

Support for different variant callers

The number of allele calls is calculated equally for all supported variant callers based on the genotypes called.


  • Allele frequency
    • For SNVs: FORMAT[alternate_base + "U"] / (FORMAT[alternate_base + "U"] + FORMAT[reference_base + "U"])
    • For indels: FORMAT["TIR"] / (FORMAT["TIR"] + FORMAT["TAR"])
  • Variant calling quality: INFO["VQSR"]


  • Allele frequency: format["AD"][1] / (format["AD"][1] + format["AD"][0])
  • Variant calling quality: format["GQX"]


  • Allele frequency: INFO["TR"][0] / INFO["TC"]
  • Variant calling quality: QUAL


  • Allele frequency: INFO["AF"]
  • Variant calling quality: QUAL


  • Multi-allelic variants are not supported
  • VCF must be sorted by chromosome, position, reference and alternate bases (beware that some tools do not take into account reference and alternate bases for sorting). Otherwise, use the --sort option and the input file will be sorted before deduplicating.


  • UNIX sort with the parallelization feature released with coreutils 8.6 (2010-10-15) is used.
  • bgzip (samtools >= 1.2)

Using the VCF dedupper

The VCF dedupper comes in two flavors:

  1. A command line script
  2. A python module that can be used programmatically


vcf_dedupper --input-vcf $INPUT_VCF --output-vcf $OUTPUT_VCF --variant-caller $(one of "generic", "strelka", "starling", "platypus" or "duplication_finder") --selection-method $(one of "af", "quality", "allele_calls", "arbitrary")

The duplication_finder mode writes to the output only those variants that are duplicated without removing any duplicates. This mode is intended to facilitate the analysis of the root cause of duplications.

The generic mode relies only on annotations defined in the VCF specification. This mode is intended to be used with any type of valid VCF.

The equality-mode may be changed to use a less restrictive definition of duplicates using only chromosome, position and reference. By default it uses chromosome, position, reference and alternate.

The sample-idx indicates as a 0-based index for multisample VCFs the sample to which collision criteria will be applied. Beware that for Strelka VCFs the tumor sample is in the second sample (i.e.: index = 1), this might change.

The sample-name indicates the name of the sample to which collision criteria will be applied. This parameter overrides sample-idx. If the sample name does not exist an error is raised.

Sorting the input vcf can be enabled with flag --sort. Sort uses the UNIX sort, it can be parallelized using the parameter --sort-threads and while the default temporary folder is that of the output VCF this can be customised using --sort-temp-folder. The maximum amount of memory used by sort is set to 80% of the available memory by default, but this can be customised using --sort-mem-percentage.

Python module

from vcf_dedup.runner import VcfDedupRunner

config = {
        "input_vcf" : input_vcf,
        "output_vcf" : output_vcf,
        "variant_caller": variant_caller,
        "selection_method": selection_method,
        "equality_mode": equality_mode,
        "sample_idx": sample_idx,
        "sort_vcf": False,
        "sort_threads": 1,
        "temp_folder": "",
        "sort_mem_percentage": 90,
        "verbose": True
        "log_file": "vcf-dedup.log"
# Calls the VCF dedupper
runner = VcfDedupRunner(config)


  • If the parameter output-vcf is provided this file will be created.
  • If the parameter output-vcf is not provided the resulting VCF will be written to the standard output.
  • The duplicated variants will be written in ${output-vcf}.duplicated.vcf if output-vcf is provided, otherwise they will be written to the standard error.
  • If the parameter --verbose is provided logs will be written to the standard error or to the log file (--log-file), if provided. Beware that logs and the duplicated variants might be both written to the standard error.

Sample commands

For strelka it is agreed to run the following command:

vcf_dedupper --input-vcf $file --output-vcf ${file}.dedupped.vcf --variant-caller strelka --selection-method af --equality-mode 1 --sample-idx 1  --sort 2> ${file}.duplications.vcf  | bgzip > ${file}.dedupped.vcf.gz

For Starling it is agreed to run the following commands:

vcf_dedupper --input-vcf $file --output-vcf ${file}.dedupped.vcf --variant-caller starling --selection-method quality --equality-mode 1 --sort 2> ${file}.duplications.vcf  | bgzip > ${file}.dedupped.vcf.gz

For Platypus it is agreed to run the following command:

vcf_dedupper --input-vcf $file --variant-caller platypus --selection-method allele_calls --equality-mode 1 --sort 2> ${file}.duplications.vcf  | bgzip > ${file}.dedupped.vcf.gz

For the generic variant caller it is agreed to run the following command:

vcf_dedupper --input-vcf $file --variant-caller generic --selection-method af|quality  --equality-mode 1 --sort 2> ${file}.duplications.vcf  | bgzip > ${file}.dedupped.vcf.gz

For the duplication_finder run the following command:

vcf_dedupper --input-vcf $file --output-vcf ${file}.duplications.vcf --variant-caller duplication_finder --selection-method af --sort --sort-threads 2 2> ${file}.log

Known issues

  • When the input VCF does not have header (i.e.: no line starting with '#') the first character in the first line of the output VCF is replaced with the character '#'.
  • When running unit tests simultaneously the resulting VCFs contain variants from different tests. This can be avoided by running unit tests separately. This behaviour only affects the test environment.
  • The time to compute a given VCF is determined by the number of variants and the number of samples. Even if for some execution modes (e.g.: generic mode) the sample information is not used this affects the time to compute. We have observed that processing VCFs with a huge amount of samples (i.e.: 6773) have very low performance (0.2 variants/second).