
Fetch lyrics for an artist split into individual verses

lyrics, genius, verse, verses
pip install versescraper==1.0


Verse Scraper

versescraper is a tool that fetches verses and bars for given musicians. It utilizes the Genius API through John W. Miller's LyricsGenius package.

I found that the LyricsGenius package worked well for fetching lyrics for an artist, but I found that it did not enable me to retrieve individual verses from those songs. So, I utilized regular expressions and text processing to extract individual verses and their authors from Genius API data.


Before installing the python package, you will need a free account and client access token from the Genius API. The usage section details how to set up VerseScraper using the token.

Once you have your client access token, install with pip.

pip install versescraper


Create a verses dictionary for given artists.

import versescraper
scraper = versescraper.VerseScraper("your_access_token_goes_here")
verses = scraper.fetch_verses_for_artists(["Outkast", "Kendrick Lamar"])

Save the results to a JSON file

scraper.save_verses_to_json(verses, filename="verses")