
Microsoft Vision Explanation Methods SDK for Python

pip install vision-explanation-methods==0.0.4



Vision Explanation Methods is an open-source package that implements D-RISE (Detector Randomized Input Sampling for Explanation) towards visual interpretations of object detection models. D-RISE is a black-boxed, or model-agnostic, explainability method which can produce saliency maps for any object detection or instance segmentation models provided these models are appropriately wrapped. In essence, D-RISE works by randomly masking the input images and isolating the parts that are most pertinent for the detection or segmentation of the object in question.

drise diagram (Diagram from Petsiuk et al. 2020)

Example outputs

example output


To install the vision explanation package, run:

pip install vision-explanation-methods


The process of fine-tuning an object detection model and visualizing it through D-RISE is illustrated in this colab notebook.

Basic Usage

To generate saliency maps, import the package and run:

res = DRISE_runner.get_drise_saliency_map(
    imagelocation: str,
    model: Optional[object],    
    numclasses: int,
    savename: str,
    nummasks: int=25,
    maskres: Tuple[int, int]=(4,4),
    maskpadding: Optional[int]=None,
    devicechoice: Optional[str]=None,
    wrapperchoice: Optional[object] = PytorchFasterRCNNWrapper


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