
ViSUS multiresolution I/O, analysis, and visualization system

pip install visuspy==1.0.0


OpenViSUS Visualization project

GitHub Actions Binder


The mission of is to provide support for the scientific community with Big Data, management, analysis and visualization tools.

In this website we provide access to open source software tools and libraries such as the ViSUS framework and the PIDX library. These softwares are distributed under the permissive BSD license (see LICENSE file).


For conda see docs/

Make sure pip is installed, updated and in PATH.

pip install --upgrade OpenVisus
# configure OpenVisus (one time)
python -m OpenVisus configure 
# test installation
python -c "from OpenVisus import *"


  • if you get permission denied error, use pip install --user.
  • if you need a minimal installation without the GUI replace OpenVisus with OpenVisusNoGui
  • If you want to create an isolated virtual environment with virtualenv:
# make sure venv is latest
pip install --upgrade virtualenv
# create a virtual environment in current directory
venv ./ovenv
# activate the virtual environment
source ./ovenv/bin/activate

Run the OpenVisus viewer:

python -m OpenVisus viewer

Handle with PyQt errors

Sometimes, PyQt (or other packages like pyqt5-sip) is already installed in system and OpenVisus viewer gets confused which package to use.

To solve that issue, follow these steps before main installation:

  • If on linux, make sure PyQt5 or any of it's related packages are not installed system-wide.
    • For Ubuntu use sudo apt remove python3-pyqt5 to remove pyqt5 and all other related packages listed here.
    • For any Arch based distro, use sudo pacman -Rs python-pyqt5. Same for all other packages like python-pyqt5-sip.
  • Remove all pyqt5 packages with pip:
    • pip uninstall pyqt5 PyQt5-sip


You can find OpenViSUS documentation regarding the install, configuration, viewer, and Python package here.

Quick Tour and Tutorials

Start with quick_tour.ipynb Jupyter Notebook.

See Samples/jupyter directory.

To run the tutorials on the cloud click this binder link.

Other documentation

Run single Docker OpenVisus server:

Run load-balanced Docker Swarm OpenVisus servers:

Run Docker OpenVisus server with group security:

Debug mod_visus:

Runload-balanced Kubernetes OpenVisus servers:

Compile OpenVisus:

Convert to OpenVisus file format, and similar:

Convert to using a proxy:

Enable IDX2: