A tool to crawl and get sources of TV Shows from various Turkish web sites.

crawler, python, tv-series, tv-shows
pip install vizontele==2017.10.27



Vizontele is a web crawler specialized for Turkish Tv Show sites. It supports many well-known Turkish sites like SezonlukDizi, Dizilab, Dizibox etc.


Vizontele is hosted at PyPI, so you can simply install the latest released package by

pip install vizontele

or if you like to clone the source and install the latest snapshot

python setup.py install

should work in any environment.


In this doc and also in many modules in the code you'll come across a word called Dizi. This is Turkish of Tv Series. It exists in many site names and also easier to use in code because it is not plural like in English.

You can import vizontele as a python module in your application or use the CLI to extract information from shell.

Usage - Module

DiziCrawler module is designed as a factory for different crawlers to many different websites. You can get a crawler and run it as

crawler = DiziCrawler('sezonlukdizi', 'Family Guy', 1, 2)
episode = crawler.get_sources()
# episode is a python dictionary.

Representations of models that are used in this module are given below

dizi_url: string
season: int
episode: int
subtitle_links: List<SubtitleLink>
video_links: List<VideoLink>

res: Resolution of video.
url: Address of video file

lang: Language of subtitle. tr|en
url: Address of subtitle file
kind: MimeType of subtitle. vtt|srt

Usage - CLI

You can find the implementation of CLI in vizontele/bin.py. It is a great source to look for example usage. A sample use of CLI is as follows:

vizontele family-guy 1 1

This translates to => Family Guy Season 1 Episode 1

More options can be acquired by -h flag. As of now its output is:

Vizontele - Watch, Download, Crawl TV Series

positional arguments:
  Family Guy            Name of the TV Show
  12                    Season number
  15                    Episode number

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
  --site dizilab                Website to crawl
  -o output.json                Output file for crawling result
  --vlc /vlc/binary/destination Link VLC executable to play this episode
  -d                            If given, episode is downloaded with highest quality.

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