
Posts jobs scraped from websites to facebook

pip install vjobs==0.1.2


Virden Jobs


  • [ ] Update Readme
  • [ ] Doc strings
  • [ ] Create Docker image build artifact
  • [ ] seperate vjobs and vjobs_ebrandon into new repositories and publish to pypi

Virden Jobs takes jobs postings for jobs in Virden from specific websites and posts them as the specified facebook page.


A config.py file needs to be created in the project's root directory. This will contain the Facebook Page ID and the Facebook Graph API token. It should be set up as follows.

TOKEN = 'Your Graph API token here'
PAGEID = 'Your Page ID here'

To install the required modules with pip runing pip install -r prod-requirements.txt in the project's root directory.


To execute the program run the main.py file from the virden_jobs directory in python. One way to run it is from the project's root directory run python -m virden_jobs.main This will immediately check the job websites and post to Facebook.

In order to schedule running automatically, create a cron job.