
A Python api wrapper for VSYS network.

api, wrapper
pip install vsyspy==2020.3


version license downloads issues


A python wrapper for vsys api.


Install source code

  1. clone the repo under you workspace
git clone https://github.com/Icermli/vsyspy.git
  1. install packages in vsyspy/requirement.txt by
cd vsyspy
pip install .

Or, for developers, you may want to install the package with a symlink,

pip install -e .
  1. Then you can import vsyspy in your workspace

Install via PyPi

pip install vsyspy


chain object

  1. For testnet:
import vsyspy as vpy
ts_chain = vpy.testnet_chain()
  1. For default chain:
import vsyspy as vpy
main_chain = vpy.default_chain()
  1. For custom api node:
import vsyspy as vpy
custom_wrapper = vpy.create_api_wrapper('http://<full node ip>:9922', api_key='')
ts_chain = vpy.testnet_chain(custom_wrapper)
  1. For completely custom chain:
import vsyspy as vpy
custom_wrapper = vpy.create_api_wrapper('http://<full node ip>:9922', api_key='')
t_chain = vpy.Chain(chain_name='testnet', chain_id='T', address_version=5, api_wrapper=custom_wrapper)
custom_wrapper2 = vpy.create_api_wrapper('http://<full node ip>:9922', api_key='')
m_chain = vpy.Chain(chain_name='mainnet', chain_id='M', address_version=5, api_wrapper=custom_wrapper2)
custom_wrapper3 = vpy.create_api_wrapper('http://<full node ip>:9922', api_key='')
c_chain = vpy.Chain(chain_name='mychain', chain_id='C', address_version=1, api_wrapper=custom_wrapper3)

chain api list

  1. look up current block height of the chain:
  1. look up the last block info of the chain:
  1. look up a block info at n in the chain:
  1. Get a transaction info by transacion id in the chain:
  1. Validate an address of the chain:

address object

  1. constructed by seed
from vsyspy import Account
my_address = Account(chain=ts_chain, seed='<your seed>', nonce=0)
  1. constructed by private key
from vsyspy import Account
my_address = Account(chain=ts_chain, private_key='<your base58 private key>')
  1. constructed by public key
from vsyspy import Account
recipient = Account(chain=ts_chain, public_key='<base58 public key>')
  1. constructed by wallet address
from vsyspy import Account
recipient = Account(chain=ts_chain, address='<base58 wallet address>')

address api list

  1. Get balance
# get balance
balance = my_address.balance()
print("The balance is {}".format(balance))
# get balance after 16 confirmations 
balance = my_address.balance(confirmations = 16)
print("The balance is {}".format(balance))
  1. Send payment transaction
# send payment (100000000 = 1 VSYS)
my_address.send_payment(recipient, amount=100000000)
  1. Send and cancel lease transaction
# send lease (100000000 = 1 VSYS)
response = my_address.lease(recipient, amount=100000000)
tx_id = response["id"]
# cancel lease

contract object

  1. contructed by base58 string
from vsyspy import Contract
my_contract = Contract('<contract-base58-string>')


my_contract = Contract()
  1. contructed from scratch
from vsyspy import Contract
my_contract = Contract()
my_contract.language_code = <language_code>
my_contract.language_version = <language_version>
my_contract.trigger = <trigger>
my_contract.descriptor = <descriptor_without_split>
my_contract.state_variable = <state_variable>
my_contract.state_map = <state_map>
my_contract.textual = <textual>
  1. default contract (token contract without split)
import vsyspy as vpy
my_contract = vpy.default_contract()

contract api list

  1. Get json
  1. Get bytes
  1. Get base58 string
  1. Register contract
from vsyspy import DataEntry, Contract
from vsyspy.contract import Type
# register contract of max 1000000000000 and unit 1000000
contract = Contract('<contract-base58-string>')
maximum = DataEntry(1000000000000, Type.amount)
unit = DataEntry(1000000, Type.amount)
short_txt = DataEntry('', Type.short_text)
init_data_stack = [maximum, unit, short_txt]
response = my_address.register_contract(contract, init_data_stack)
contract_id = response["contractId"]
  1. Execute contract
# execute issue function of 1000000000 tokens
amount = DataEntry(1000000000, Type.amount)
issue_data_stack = [amount]
my_address.execute_contract(contract_id, 1, issue_data_stack)