A real-time telemetry library.

pip install vtelem==0.2.3


vtelem (0.3.5)

python Build Status codecov PyPI - Status Dependents (via libraries.io)

A real-time telemetry library.

See also: generated documentation (created with pydoc).

Python Version Support

This package is tested with the following Python minor versions:

Platform Support

This package is tested on the following platforms:

  • ubuntu-latest


Command-line Options

$ ./venv3.8/bin/vtelem -h

usage: vtelem [-h] [--version] [-v] [-C DIR] [-i {lo,bond0,dummy0,sit0,eth0}]
              [-p PORT] [--ws-cmd-port WS_CMD_PORT]
              [--ws-tlm-port WS_TLM_PORT] [--tcp-tlm-port TCP_TLM_PORT]
              [-t TICK] [--telem-rate TELEM_RATE]
              [--metrics-rate METRICS_RATE] [--time-scale TIME_SCALE]
              [-a APP_ID] [-u UPTIME]

A real-time telemetry library.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         set to increase logging verbosity
  -C DIR, --dir DIR     execute from a specific directory
  -i {lo,bond0,dummy0,sit0,eth0}, --interface {lo,bond0,dummy0,sit0,eth0}
                        interface to bind to
  -p PORT, --port PORT  http api port
  --ws-cmd-port WS_CMD_PORT
                        websocket command-interface port
  --ws-tlm-port WS_TLM_PORT
                        websocket telemetry-interface port
  --tcp-tlm-port TCP_TLM_PORT
                        tcp telemetry-interface port
  -t TICK, --tick TICK  lenth of a time tick
  --telem-rate TELEM_RATE
                        rate of the telemetry-servicing loop
  --metrics-rate METRICS_RATE
                        default rate of internal metrics data
  --time-scale TIME_SCALE
                        scalar to apply to the progression of time
  -a APP_ID, --app-id APP_ID
                        a value that forms the basis for the application
  -u UPTIME, --uptime UPTIME
                        specify a finite duration to run the server


Project documentation can be found in Markdown files in the docs/ directory.

Internal Dependency Graph

A coarse view of the internal structure and scale of vtelem's source. Generated using pydeps (via mk python-deps).

vtelem's Dependency Graph