wemo control library

pip install w3mo==0.1.0


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w3mo is a pure python API wrapper for wemo devices


pip3 install w3mo


Interactive "Shell"

from w3mo import w3mo
w3mo.interactive() #this mode will launch a "shell" to interact with discovered devices on your network

Device Discovery

from w3mo import w3mo

#returns a dictionary of devices with the device name as the key
#{'name':{'ip':device_ip,'obj':instantiated w3mo control class}}
x = w3mo.discover(return_type=dict)

#returns a list of devices
#[{'name':'device_name_1','ip':'device_ip':,'obj':instantiated w3mo control class}]
x = w3mo.discover(return_type=list)

#sets the timeout in seconds that the script will wait for a thread to join. This basically improves speed with the understanding that threads will still be running in the background if set too short. Default is 5s.
x = w3mo.discover(join_timeout=5)

#prints verbose debug data to the console. Default is False.
x = w3mo.discover(debug=True)

Device Control

from w3mo import w3mo
import time

devices = w3mo.discover(return_type=list)

#define device as the control class instantiation at index 0 of devices
device = devices[0]['obj']

#device name and state are set at instantiation and updated throughout use
print("Device Name = {}".format(device.name))
print("Device State = {}".format(device.state))

#turn on

#turn off

Supported Devices

  • NOTE: supported just means I had these devices / firmwares on hand for testing. Other devices SHOULD work, if you find something that doesn't fix it and submit a pull request!

Wemo Mini Smart Plug - F7C063

Firmware Version Supported
WeMo_WW_2.00.11452.PVT-OWRT-SNSV2 ✔️
WeMo_WW_2.00.11420.PVT-OWRT-SNSV2 ✔️
WeMo_WW_2.00.11326.PVT-OWRT-SNSV2 ✔️

Wemo WiFi Smart Light Switch - WLS040

Firmware Version Supported
WeMo_WW_2.00.11451.PVT-OWRT-LIGHTV2 ✔️
WeMo_WW_2.00.11395.PVT-OWRT-LIGHTV2 ✔️

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