Frontend editing for your Wagtail site

content-management, django, frontend-editing, python, python3, wagtail
pip install wagtail-fedit==1.5.9rc4



Wagtail FEdit Example

Wagtail FEdit is a library to allow your Wagtail pages and content-blocks to be edited on the frontend.

View the documentation

Getting Started

  1. Add 'wagtail_fedit' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

  2. Run py ./ collectstatic.

  3. Run py ./ adapter_help to see all your options and their requirements.

How your content is rendered

(Maintainer's note: In my experience this doesn't mess the CSS up too much, or even at all for most content - if you don't get hyperspecific with your CSS selectors and structure your templates well.)

Your block and field are wrapped in a div, any CSS for your templates should keep this in mind.

Rendered editable output HTML

{% load fedit %}<div id="{{ unique_id }}" data-wrapper-id="{{ unique_id }}" class="wagtail-fedit-adapter-wrapper{% if shared_context.inline or adapter.inline %} wagtail-fedit-inline{%endif%} wagtail-fedit-{{ identifier }}" data-fedit-constructor="{{ js_constructor }}" {% if shared %} data-shared-context="{{ shared }}"{%endif%} data-edit-url="{{ edit_url }}" data-refetch-url="{{ refetch_url }}">
    <div class="wagtail-fedit-buttons">
        {% for button in buttons %}
            {{ button }}
        {% endfor %}
    </div>{% render_adapter adapter %}


  • Editing fields/blocks on the frontend
  • Moving blocks on the frontend
  • Adding blocks on the frontend
  • High compatibility with custom widgets and blocks
  • Revision Support
  • Locked Support
  • Draft Support
  • Preview Support
  • Workflow Support
  • Permissions
  • Audit Logs