
Pretty, smart, customizable error pages for Wagtail.

development, wagtail
pip install wagtailerrorpages==1.2.1


Wagtail Error Pages

Pretty, smart, customizable error pages for Wagtail. It was inspired by A List Apart's article on The Perfect 404.

Default 404 page


  • Simple language (no jargon)
  • Search box
  • Suggests pages by searching the URL
  • Adjusts message depending on where the user came from
  • Customizable


The 404 page tries to suggest pages the user may be looking for based on the URL entered. If the user doesn't find what they're looking for, they are encouraged to search or visit the home page.


Depending on where the user came from, the 404 message will adjust. It determines this based on the document.referrer property in JavaScript. If JavaScript is turned off, a generic message will be displayed instead.

Here are the possible messages for empty referrer, external referrer, external referrer (search engine), and internal referrer respectively.

List of possible 404 messages


pip install wagtailerrorpages

Then add wagtailerrorpages to your installed apps.


If you don't have a 404.html or 500.html in the root of your templates directory, they will be pulled automatically from this app.

404 Page

To override and style the 404 page, create a 404.html in the root of your templates directory, and add the following code to the top:

{% extends "wagtailerrorpages/404base.html" %}

Then, add template blocks to override features of this template. See the section below ("Extending the base404 template") for a full reference, or refer to 404base.html inside of this repo.

500 page

You can't configure the 500 page. This is by design; if there is a server error, it's possible that Wagtail will not be capable of rendering template tags, so it's best to keep this template self-contained and static.

If you'd like to make a custom one, copy the one from this app into templates/500.html on your app and edit it directly.


If you used cookiecutter-wagtail, you can visit /test404 and /test500 on your site in debug mode to preview the templates. If not, you can configure your urls.py to allow this.

Using your own layout

If you just want the 404 page content (message and search box), you can drop it anywhere with:

{% load wagtailerrorpages_tags %}
{% message404 %}

This might be useful if you'd prefer to keep the 404 page inside of your site's base layout.

Custom search behavior

If you'd like to override how the suggestions are shown, import the 404 message in your template like this:

{% include "wagtailerrorpages/fragments/404message.html" with search_results=MY_PAGES_LIST %}

Then do the search in Python and render the pages list appropriately.

Extending the base404 template

If you extend the base404 template with:

{% extends "wagtailerrorpages/404base.html" %}

You have the ability to override parts of the page. The following is a reference for the layout's overridable template blocks.

Document title

Override the page title in the browser tab. It's a good idea to add the website's name at the end.

{% block title %}Page not found - MySite{% endblock %}

HTML meta tags

Override meta tags in the HTML head. Below is the default.

{% block meta %}
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
{% endblock %}

Stylesheet and extra HTML head

Extra head content; put your custom stylesheet here. By default it contains the custom stylesheet, so overriding this block will remove it.

{% block head %}
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static "css/404.css" %}">
{% endblock %}

Page header

The top part of the page body. By default this contains the "Go home" link. You may want to include the website's logo, but avoid including a full navigation.

{% block header %}
  [<a href="/">Go home</a>]
{% endblock %}

Page content

It's advised that you don't override this without a good reason. It imports the 404 message fragment.

{% block content %}
  {% message404 %}
{% endblock %}

Page footer

The bottom part of the page body. You may want to include useful links for a lost user, or legal/copyright information.

{% block footer %}{% endblock %}