
Wakatime data manipulation

pip install wakapy==0.0.1



Wakapy is a python library aiming for Python 3.6+ versions whose purpose is to provide easy data manipulation to the developer.


  1. This project is not related to WakaTime or its developer team in any way.
  2. This project revolves around the json file that you can download from your Wakatime account

Wakapy basically loads the big json file containing all of your data provided for free by WakaTime and group every piece of data in convenient classes. The Wakatime json file is big, a 161 days file, where only 121 days actually contain relevant data is roughly 75k long (in my case).

Wakapy features:

1. Extensive data class containerization (Every bit of data from the json file is accessible with the library).

2. Extra functionalities added to ease the data manipulation.

3. Date slicing, in other words, you can get the data from a chosen range, similar to the Wakatime paid features

4. Some nice charts out of the box for the people who just want to get a quick insight of the data without putting too much effort on it

Quick example:


from wakapy import User

user = User('/home/surister/data.json')
chart = user.pie_chart('lan')
# lan = languages. See the different options here.
# Shows the chart.
# Saves the chart to the desired filepath.

This would output:
