
Asynchronous CouchDB backend - part of Wallaby. The couchDB application framework.

pip install wallaby-backend-couchdb==0.1.33


Wallaby backend for CouchDB

This package provides an asynchronous python interface to CouchDB (using twisted).

For more information on wallaby visit http://wlby.freshx.de


You can install the couchdb backend with pip

pip install wallaby-backend-couchdb

How to use

The library is based on twisted's asynchronous pattern. To use the library in an asynchronous fassion you first need to create an reactor based application:

from twisted.internet import defer

def run():
    # wait 1 second
    d = defer.Deferred()
    reactor.callLater(1.0, d.callback)
    yield d

    # stop the reactor and quit the application

from twisted.internet import reactor

Now we can connect to an existing CouchDB database:

def run():
    # Create database client object
    from wallaby.backends.couchdb import Database
    db = Database(
        "<name of database>", 

    # Query database info in an async manner
    info = yield db.info()

    # Output the info dict
    print info

    # <----- More example Code paste here

    # stop the reactor and quit the application

Create and delete database

With the required permissions you could easily create and destroy databases

    newdb = Database(
        "<name of new database>", 

    # Create the new database 
    res = yield newdb.create()

    # Destroy the new database
    res = yield newdb.destroy()

Read and write document

    # Get a document by id
    doc = yield db.get('docid')

    # add a new value to the document
    doc['test'] = 'Hello World'

    # save the document
    res = yield db.save(doc)

Creating and deleting documents

    # Create a new doc
    doc = {'_id': 'newdocid'}
    res = yield db.save(doc)

    # the result contains the response from the CouchDB server
    if not 'error' in res:
        # the document was saved successfully. The new revision was updated in the "_rev" field of doc.
        print doc['_rev']

        # delete the document
        res = yield db.delete(doc)

Attachment handling

    # First we a load a file to attach. In real life you should do this in an async manner
    content = open('test.png').read()

    # Now we can attach this file to an existing document
    res = yield db.put_attachment(doc, 'newimage.png', content, content-type='image/png')

    # And load from database again
    content = yield db.get_attachment(doc, 'newimage.png')

    # and finally delete it
    res = yield db.delete_attachment(doc, 'newimage.png')


    # get all rows of view
    rows = yield db.view('_design/designname/_view/viewname')

    # pass view arguments
    rows = yield db.view('_design/designname/_view/viewname', count=100)


    def callback(changes, viewID=None):
        # all changes are passed to this callback as an array. the viewID help to identify 
        # view-based changes

    # register callback function for filtered changes
    db.changes(cb=callback, since=12345, filter="couchappdoc/all")

    # register callback function for view changes (only works in CouchDB 1.2)
    db.changes(cb=callback, since=12345, filter="_view", view="couchappdoc/viewname")

    # unregister first callback
    db.unchanges(since=12345, filter="couchappdoc/all")

    # unregister second callback
    db.changes(since=12345, filter="_view", view="couchappdoc/viewname")