
Watch a group of files for changes and then run commands

watch, files, monitor, run, do
pip install watch-do==1.1.2


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Watch Do

Watch Do is primarily a command line utility that allows you to monitor files for changes and then perform actions based on these changes.


To install Watch Do, ensure you have pip installed using your distributions package manager and then run the following command:

pip install watch-do

Basic Usage

You can start making use of Watch Do right away! A basic Watch Do command can be seen below, this watches all .py files recursively using the default watcher (ModificationTime) and then runs make test in the directory that Watch Do was launched in.

watch-do -w '**/*.py' -d 'make test'

Run watch-do --help for more information on what all of the different command line switches do.

Note: The -r (--reglob) switch is often useful to maintain an up-to-date list of files that trigger the doers to run.


You can run the following command to find more information on the modules the Watch Do package provides:

make serve-docs