
A really simple wrapper for the Watson TTS API that doesn't require the watson_developer_cloud module and has more tools.

ibm, watson, tts, api, simple, wrapper
pip install watson_tts_py==0.2.3


Why should i use this instead of using the one on GitHub?

Well, this doesn't require the watson_developer_cloud_service module because it focuses on TTS.

Stuff you need to be able to run this:

  1. requests
  2. urllib.parse

I think these are already installed, so yeah.

How to install this?

Download the script for now. You will be able to install it with pip later.


With auth()

from watson import *
auth("username", "password")
link = parse("cool text huh")

Without auth()

from watson_tts_py import *
link = parse("text that will be alive", "username", "password")

Done! The file should be saved as "output.wav"

More stuff:

You can pass the audio type that you want and the voice that you want to the function parse() when calling it. The default audio type is .wav and the default voice is en-US_AllisonVoice

And to change the file name, you can pass the name of your file to get_file() function when calling it. Default file name is output

An example:

from watson_tts_py import *

url_link = parse("text", "username", "password", "ogg", "en-US_LisaVoice")
get_file(url_link, "TTS_output")

This will make a file called "TTS_output.ogg" that has what you want.

Here is an example of running the script with parameters which is the same.

An example:

from watson_tts_py import *

url_link = parse(text="text", username="username", password="password", audio_type="ogg", voice="en-US_LisaVoice")
get_file(url_link, file_name="TTS_output")

Also, i've added binary which returns the content of the file without writing to it.

An example:

from watson_tts_py import *
auth("username", "password")
x = parse("cool text", audio_type="ogg")
get_file(x, binary=True)

It will returns stuff you won't get but the output might be useful.