
HTML scraper with templates

parser, scraper, HTML, template
pip install weakscraper==0.0.1



HTML scraper with templates

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Most HTML pages are generated using templates. Why not use templates too for scraping HTML pages? As for a template language, let's use HTML plus a few keywords. That way, the workflow with weakscraper is the following :

  • Get the source of a HTML page you want to scrap.
  • Using a few keywords, edit the HTML to select which information is of interest and which parts to discard.
  • If complex processing is required, write additional callbacks in python.
  • Run weakscraper on the template and on the HTML.


  • Observes the rule of least power. A declarative language helps to focus on what to extract. How the information is scrapped is the job of the library.
  • The template covers the whole page. If weakscraper encounters a part it is not aware of, it will throw an exception, allowing you to complete the template. There is little chance to miss information, even if a few pages contain a div you are not aware of at first.


  • To extract a bit of information, the whole parent list from the node root must be specified in the template. If you want to extract a few bits of information buried deep into the HTML tree, you probably want to use tools like Beautiful Soup.


pip install weakscraper


A weakscraper template is like a regular HTML file with some keywords to tell which parts are to be kept.

  • wp-name="name" : This tag names an element in the output object. Optional if wp-function is set.
  • wp-recursive : This attribute signals that everything under this tag is to be kept.
  • wp-list : This attribute signals that this tag may be found zero, one or several time. This outputs a list.
  • wp-function="f" : This attribute enables to process the output of the tag with a callback.
  • wp-optional : This attribute signals that this tag can be found zero or one time.
  • wp-ignore : As a tag, signals that everything should be ignored until the parent end tag. As an attribute, same as wp-ignore-attrs and wp-ignore-content.
  • wp-until="important-tag" : As an attribute to the tag wp-ignore, signal to ignore everything until an important-tag is found.
  • wp-ignore-attrs : This attribute prevents to spawn an exception if an unlisted attribute is found.
  • wp-ignore-content : This attribute signals that the content of this tag should be ignored.
  • wp-name-attrs="name" : This attribute that the attribute of the tag should be outputed with the name name. Optional if wp-function-attrs is set.
  • wp-function-attrs="f" : This attribute enables to process the attributes dictionary with a callback.



<!DOCTYPE html>
<body attr1="val1" wp-name="body">
  <div wp-name="content"/>


<!DOCTYPE html>
<body attr1="val1">
  <div>Hi !</div>


from weakscraper import WeakScraper

f = open('template.html', 'r')
template_string = f.read()

scraper = WeakScraper(template_string)

f = open('webpage.html', 'r')
html_string = f.read()

result_data = scraper.scrap(html_string)

f = open('output.json', 'w')
f.write(json.dumps(result_data, ident=2))


  "body": {
    "content": "Hi !"

See the tests for more examples.

How it works ?

  • Class TemplateParser uses html.parser to parse the template string to a tree of dicts.
  • Class HtmlParser uses html.parser to parse the HTML string to a tree of dicts.
  • A tree of objects of class Template if recursively created from the output of a TemplateParser. Then it compares recursively it's own structure with the output of HtmlParser.
  • Class WeakScraper glues the pieces together.


MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)