
A Makefile-compatibile Build Tool

make, build-tool, weasel, makefile
pip install weasel-make==0.1.0


Weasel Make

Weasel Make is a Makefile-compatible build tool that hides the output of your commands if it executed successfully. Very useful when executing make build deploy over and over again.


  • Bash auto-completions - Just press tab after the weasel command to see the list of available actions.
  • Output folding - Hides output of successful commands, or shows it if the command failed.
  • Secrets obfuscation - Any line of text that looks like it might be sensitive secrets information gets replaced with ***


Install easily with pip install weasel-make. If you are installing without sudo, make sure to add python to your PATH by executing:

echo 'export PATH=$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc

To install auto-completions for weasel, also execute the following:

echo 'source <(weasel --bash-autocompletions-source)' >> ~/.bashrc


To execute targets from your Makefile with Weasel Make, use the weasel command followed by your target names:

weasel build deploy

This will run the build and deploy targets as specified in your Makefile.

Makefile Compatibility

Weasel Make is designed to be compatible with standard Makefiles, so you should be able to run your existing Makefiles without any modifications.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests or create issues if you encounter any problems or have suggestions for new features.