
Scripts to help provision, configure and deply towebfaction using Python and Fabric 2

letsencrypt, python3, webfaction
pip install webfaction-fab2==0.0.3


Webfaction fabric2 helper scripts

These scripts utilise the Webfaction API via python and Fabric 2 to conveniently run some common tasks.

Presently there are just a small selection, mostly related to managing letsencrypt certificates.


You could install this in your system python3, into your virtualnv or into your pipenv as a dev dependency

$ pipenv install –dev webfaction_fab2


Generate a fabfile.py in the root of your project, something like this:

$ pipen run python -m wf_fab2.makefab

And then start using the commands

$ pipenv run fab -l
 Loading .env environment variables...
Available tasks:

Available tasks:

  acme-install     Install acme.sh for Letsencrypt certificates on a webfaction host.
  check-websites   Check http response mode of all configured websites.
  list-websites    List all websites their linked apps and subdomains.
  secure-website   Issue certificates for a website and install with acme_webfaction
$ pipenv run fab -H Web39.webfaction.com check-websites accountname
Loading .env environment variables...
API password:
Checking: https://example.com/
Available: https://example.com/
Checking: https://anotherexample.com/
/Users/mjoakes/.local/share/virtualenvs/webfaction_helpers-RUB6JD7n/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py:857: InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings
Available: https://anotherexample.com/ Invalid Certificate
$ pipenv run fab -H Web39.webfaction.com list-websites accountname
API password:
example_site_name [['exampleapp', '/']] ['example.com', 'www.example.com']
anotherexample_site_name [['anotherexampleapp', '/']] ['anotherexample.com', 'www.anotherexample.com']
$ pipenv run fab -H Web39.webfaction.com ssecure-website accountname anotherexample_site_name


I had a pretty comprehensive and well tested set of scripts for fabric 1.x enabling provisioning and deploying django projects onto webfaciton hosts. As I slowly move them to fabric2 I’m intending to share them here.
