
Nifty and sophisticated web scanner

infosec, bug, bounty, pentesting, security
pip install webprobe==2022.2


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Nifty and sophisticated web path scanner for security researchers

A sophisticated web path scanner designed for the most descerning bug bounty hunters.

This CLI brute forces directories and files in webservers.

Installation & Usage

Requirement: python 3.8 or higher

  • Install with PyPi: pip install webprobe

How to use

Some common examples on how to use webprobe.

💡 If you need to see a list of all options, just use the -h | --help argument.

To use multiple wordlists, you can separate your wordlists with commas. Example: wordlist1.txt,wordlist2.txt

Simple usage

webprobe -u https://example.com
webprobe -e php,html,js -u https://example.com
webprobe -e php,html,js -u https://exaple.com -w /path/to/wordlist

Pausing progress

You can pause the scanning progress with CTRL+C from here, you can save the progress (and continue later), skip the current target, or skip the current sub-directory.


  • Brutforcing recursively can be achieved using -r or --recursive flag.

For example, if webprobe finds admin/, it will brute-force admin/* (* is where it brute forces).

webprobe -e php,html,js -u https://example.com -r
  • You can set the max recursion depth with --recursion-depth and status codes to recurse with --recursion-status
webprobe -e php,html,js -u https://example.com -r --recursion-depth 3 --recursion-status 200-39
  • You can brute force recursively all found paths, not just paths end with / using --force-recursive flag.

  • You can recursively brute-force all depths of a path (a/b/c => add a/, a/b/) using --deep-recursive flag.

  • If there are sub-directories that you do not want to brute-force recursively use --exclude-subdirs flag.

webprobe -e php,html,js -u https://example.com -r --exclude-subdirs image/,media/,css/


Thread number (-t | --threads) reflects the number of separated brute force processes. The bigger the thread number, the faster webprobe runs. By default, the number of threads is 25, but you can increase it if you want to speed up the progress.

However, the speed still depends on the response time of the server.

💡 keep the threads number within a reasonable range because it can cause DoS (Denial of Service).

webprobe -e php,htm,js,bak,zip,tgz,txt -u https://example.com -t 20


Use -i | --include-status and -x | --exclude-status flags to select allowed and not allowed response status-codes

For more advanced filters: --exclude-sizes, --exclude-texts, --exclude-regexps, --exclude-redirects and --exclude-response

webprobe  -e php,html,js -u https://example.com --exclude-sizes 1B,243KB
webprobe -e php,html,js -u https://example.com --exclude-texts "403 Forbidden"
webprobe -e php,html,js -u https://example.com --exclude-regexps "^Error$"
webprobe -e php,html,js -u https://example.com --exclude-redirects "https://(.*).okta.com/*"
webprobe -e php,html,js -u https://example.com --exclude-response /error.html

Scan sub-directories

  • You can scan a list of sub-directories with --subdirs flag.
webprobe -e php,html,js -u https://example.com --subdirs /,admin/,folder/


  • Webprobe supports both SOCKS and HTTP proxy. You can enlist a proxy server or a list of proxy servers from a file.
webprobe -e php,html,js -u https://example.com --proxy
webprobe -e php,html,js -u https://example.com --proxy socks5://
webprobe -e php,html,js -u https://example.com --proxylist proxyservers.txt

More example commands

cat urls.txt | python3 webprobe --stdin
webprobe -u https://example.com --max-time 360
webprobe -u https://example.com --auth admin:pass --auth-type basic
webprobe -u https://example.com --header-list rate-limit-bypasses.txt


Supported report formats are: simple, plain, json, xml, md, csv, html, sqlite

💡 We will be adding yaml soon

 webprobe -e php -l URLs.txt --format plain -o report.txt
 webprobe -e php -u https://example.com --format html -o example.json


License: MIT

This software is licensed under the MIT License. See the License file in the top distribution directory for the full license text.


In order to for us to maintain this project and grow our community of contributors. Donate

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.2.0 available at Code of Conduct