
Simple application to manage `what's new` screen.

pip install whatsnew==0.1


Django What's New

Simple application to manage "what's new" welcome screen based on package version.

.. note:: Package must contains valid PEP386 entry in the __init__ of the main module.

How to use

- put ``whatsnew`` in your INSTALLED_APPS::


- modify your base template as

.. code-block:: html
    <link href="{% static 'whatsnew/whatsnew.min.css' %}" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
    <script language="JavaScript" src="{% static 'whatsnew/js/whatsnew.min.js' %}"></script>

    {% load whatsnew %}

    {% whatsnew '<your_main_package_name>' %}

- create your :file:`whatsnew/whatsnew.html` like:

.. code-block:: html
        #django-whatsnew .button.b-close {
            background-color: #2B91AF;
            border-radius: 7px;
            box-shadow: none;
            font: bold 131% sans-serif;
            cursor: pointer;
            padding: 0 6px 2px;
            position: absolute;
            right: -7px;
            top: -7px;
            text-align: center;
            text-decoration: none;

        #django-whatsnew {
            font-size: 200%;
            background-color: #FFFFFF;
            border-radius: 10px;
            box-shadow: 0 0 25px 5px #999999;
            color: #111111;
            display: none;
            min-width: 450px;
            padding: 0px 5px 5px 15px;
        {% if display %}

            function setCookie(name, value, days) {
                var expires;
                if (days) {
                    var date = new Date();
                    date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
                    expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
                } else {
                    expires = "";
                document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";
            setCookie('{{ name }}', '{{ news.version }}');
            $(function () {
                    speed: 450,
                    transition: 'slideDown'
                $('#whatsnew-seen').click(function () {
                    setCookie('{{ name }}', '{{ news.version }}', 365);
        {% endif %}
    <div id="django-whatsnew" style="display: none">
        <span class="button b-close"><span>X</span></span>
        {{ news.content|safe }}
        <span><input type="checkbox" id="whatsnew-seen">do not show again</span>

- and your :file:`whatsnew/test.html` like:

.. code-block:: html

    {% extends "base.html" %}{% load whatsnew %}

    {% block body %}
        {% whatsnew 'whatsnew' 1 %}
            $('.b-close').click(function () {

    {% endblock body %}
    {% block jira %}{% endblock jira %}

How version are checked

- try to get version number using setuptools
- check the main package name for 'version', 'VERSION' or '__version__'
- try to call package.get_version()
- raise DistributionNotFound