
Easily setup readonly zeo clients

pip install wildcard.readonly==1.0



.. image:: https://www.wildcardcorp.com/logo.png
   :height: 50
   :width: 382
   :alt: Original work by wildcardcorp.com
   :align: right

In specific use cases, this package provides a mechanism to easily have Plone clients set to
work with readonly mode, which could be adapted to work with Zope clients as well.

This is mostly useful for preventing ReadOnlyError from cropping up 
from write on read operations for a public read only site.


Also make sure to set your zeo client zope.conf `read-only true` setting::

    <zodb_db main>
        read-only true

To make this work along with buildout, use the `read-only` recipe config option.
Also, make sure to disable product installation in your client configuration,
otherwise you'll get errors on startup. Make sure to use
plone.app.zeoclient >= 4.2.12 as it includes the read-only config option::

    recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
    read-only = true
    enable-product-installation = off


Abort all transactions

Aborts transaction on IPubBeforeCommit event.

Add this to the zcml-additional option for your client::

    recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
    zcml-additional =
        <include package="wildcard.readonly" file="readonly.zcml" />

Doom all transactions

Dooms the transaction on the IPubAfterTraversal event.

Add this to the zcml-additional option for your client::

    recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
    zcml-additional =
        <include package="wildcard.readonly" file="readonly-doom.zcml" />

Conditionally abort transactions

Useful when aborting all transactions prevents emails from getting sent out.
For instance, if you're using PloneFormGen in your setup, dooming and aborting
will prevent mail from getting sent.

Add this to the zcml-additional option for your client::

    recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
    zcml-additional =
        <include package="wildcard.readonly" file="readonly-conditional.zcml" />

Handling sending mail

Since mail is tied to transaction management, aborting all transactions will
also prevent sending mail on the site.

Add this to the zcml-additional option for your client::

    recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
    zcml-additional =
        <include package="wildcard.readonly" file="mail.zcml" />