
WIPAC File Catalog Python Client

pip install wipac-fc==0.0.4



Python API to talk with the file_catalog server


To get the prerequisites necessary for the client:

pip install requests

Running the Unit Tests

To run the unit tests, you must started the file_catalog server at localhost:8888 (or you change the address in in the test set up). Run the tests:

python -m unittest discover


The client is a simple python class that wraps the HTTP requests into methods.

Get File List

In order to get the file list, just do:

from file_catalog_py_client import filecatalogpyclient

c = filecatalogpyclient.FileCatalogPyClient('http://localhost', 8888)

# If you want to reuse the same connection, do:
# c = filecatalogpyclient.FileCatalogPyClient('http://localhost', 8888, use_session = True)


The parameters start, limit, and query are also supported:

c.get_list(query = {'filesize': {'$exists': True}})
c.get_list(query = {'filesize': {'$exists': True}}, start = 42, limit = 3)

Create a New File

To create a new file (that means a new entry for the metadata for a file) one can just use the create() method.

c.create({'uid': '1234', 'checksum': '3d539...f5', 'locations': ['/a/path/to/a/copy/file.dat']})

The passed dict needs to fulfill the requirements of the server.

Get File Meta Data

The metadata for a certain file can be queried by using get(). One can either query by uid or mongo_id.

c.get(uid = '1234')
c.get(mongo_id = '57fd49163a7d4957ca064089')

# This will fail: either uid or mongo_id can be used
c.get(uid = 'file uid', mongo_id = '57fd49163a7d4957ca064089')

Delete a File

To delete the metadata of a file, use delete():

c.delete(uid = '1234')
c.delete(mongo_id = '57fd49163a7d4957ca064089')

Update a File

In order to update a file, update() can be used. One can use mongo_id or uid as identifier. update() utilizes the cache to find the etag. If no etag has been cached for this file, it queries the etag prior the update.

Note: If you want to ignore the cached etag, use clear_cache = True.

c.update(uid = '1234', metadata = {'backupd': True})
c.update(mongo_id = '57fd49163a7d4957ca064089', metadata = {'backupd': True})

Replace a File

Replacing the metadata of a file is pretty similar to updating it. The difference is that any key that is not passed via the metadata will be deleted. Therefore, be sure to add the mandatory fields except for the uid and mongo_id since they cannot be changed.

Note: If you want to ignore the cached etag, use clear_cache = True.

c.replace(uid = '1234', metadata = {'checksum': '3d539...f5', 'locations': ['/a/path/to/a/copy/file.dat'], 'backup': False})
c.replace(mongo_id = '57fd49163a7d4957ca064089', metadata = {'checksum': '3d539...f5', 'locations': ['/a/path/to/a/copy/file.dat'], 'backup': False})


There are two types of errors: client side errors and server side errors. Client side errors are instances of filecatalogpyclient.ClientError. Server side errors are instances of filecatalogpyclient.Error.


filecatalogpyclient.Error has the attributes code and message. code contains the status code with which the server responded. message stores the message that is returned by the server.

Note: The server usually responds with a JSON string and the error message has the key message. Therefore, the class tries to extract that message and tries to store only the message in the attribute message.

Subclasses of filecatalogpyclient.Error:

  • BadRequestError: status code 400
  • NotFoundError: status code 404
  • ConflictError: status code 409
  • TooManyRequestsError: status code 429
  • UnspecificServerError: status code 500
  • ServiceUnavailableError: status code 503