
A simple requests wrapper for the Wistia API

wistia, wistia-py, wistia_py, wistiapy, wistia-python
pip install wistia-py==0.1.1


Wistia Python API wrapper

Please let me know if you start using this so we can collaborate on improving it.

Wraps the Wistia API using python's requests module.

Officially supports:

  • Python 3.6+
  • Python 2.7+

Also works on all the versions of python in ./tox.ini.

pip install wistia-py

Example use

Generate a Wistia API password at https://<YOUR DOMAIN>.wistia.com/account/api.

import wistia_py
wistia = wistia_py.WistiaAPI(api_password=api_password)
response = wistia.project_create(name)

response is a python dict from the JSON returned by wistia

Not a lot of custom endpoints are implemented. (Please contribute!)

For now, if you need to make a generic call, you can do this:

# Example of projects_update
response = wistia.call(
    'projects/<hashed id>.json',
    data=dict(name='updated project name'),

See mapping to: https://wistia.com/support/developers/data-api#projects_update

Example Django integration

Create a file called wistia.py in your project somewhere:

from django.conf import settings

_wistia = None

def get_wistia():
    global _wistia

    if not _wistia:
        import wistia_py
        _wistia = wistia_py.WistiaAPI(api_password=settings.WISTIA_API_PASSWORD)

    return _wistia

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Djangoland:

from above_path.wistia import get_wistia
wistia = get_wistia()
response = wistia.project_create(name)

A note on API keys, security and permissions

If you want more granular API control and tighter security, you can instantiate multiple WistiaAPIs with different api_passwords.


This project was inspired by https://github.com/MattFisher/wistiapy.