
utility which helps to execute commands on behalf of all users in the system in a row

pip install with-each-user==0.9.2


With each user

The with_each_user command is basically nothing but a shortcut/replacement for constructs like:

root:~# ls /home | xargs -i su - {} -c "whoami"

That is, its goal is to execute the same command for all users in the system in a row. The line above can be rewritten with:

root:~# with_each_user whoami

Additionally, you can filter out unneeded users by their logins, shells and uid, run commands simultaneously, interactively, and store script outputs in log files in a separate directory.

See usage for details.


This is the with_each_user --help output:

usage: with_each_user [-h] [-m MASK] [-s SHELL] [-u MIN_UID] [-U MAX_UID]
                      [-c CONCURRENCY] [-d CURRENT_DIRECTORY] [-i]
                      [-L LOG_DIRECTORY]
                      command [command ...]

Execute a command for a number users in the server

positional arguments:
  command               Shell command to execute

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MASK, --mask MASK  Filter users by their logins. Globbing is here
                        allowed, you can type, for example, "user*"
  -s SHELL, --shell SHELL
                        Filter users by their shells. For example, you can
                        exclude the majority of system users by issuing
                        "/bin/bash" here
  -u MIN_UID, --min-uid MIN_UID
                        Filter users by their minimal uid.
  -U MAX_UID, --max-uid MAX_UID
                        Filter users by their max uid (to filter out "nobody",
                        for example
                        Number of processes to run simultaneously
                        Script working directory (relative to user's home)
  -p, --preserve-environment
                        Preserve root environment. Arguments match the same of
                        "su" command
  -f, --format          Format command line with variables custom for every
                        user. Supported variables: {user}, {uid}, {gid},
                        {home}, {shell}, {gecos}.
  -r, --root            Run command with root privileges (do not "su" to
                        selected user). Option "--format" is helpful there
  -i, --interactive     Interactive execution. Set this flag to run processes
                        Directory to store log for all executions. Omit this
                        argument if you want just to print everything to