
Django integration with WordPress through the json-rest-api plugin

pip install wjordpress==0.2.2



https://travis-ci.org/texastribune/wjordpress.png https://coveralls.io/repos/texastribune/wjordpress/badge.png

Wjordpress is a reusable app for Django that allows you to use WordPress as your editing interface and use Django for your presentation. You an also hook multiple WordPress sites to a single Django project.

You choose your level of integration. You can do a one time import, periodic sync, manual sync, or near real-time updates using a web hook.

You can also start using WordPress content immediately without writing any urls, views, or templates with the built in templatetag.

See the ReadTheDocs site for more.


Easy peasy lemon squeezy:

  1. Setup a link to a WordPress site
  2. Write views and templates to display WordPress content

This is how the reference project syncs with my blog

Bring your own models:

  1. Setup a link to a WordPress site
  2. Create a post_save signal on the Wjordpress models to sync to your own content models
  3. Write a view and template to display your content models

How to pronounce "Wjordpress": http://youtu.be/tmyGrk99uzM