
Wordlists builder

wordlists, bruteforce, dictionary, generator, hashcat
pip install wordz==0.1.6


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Wordlists builder


This tool evolved from the helper scripts used for the brutas project. It is used for generating and managing wordlists for password cracking, content discovery, fuzzing etc.


  • GNU/Linux, macOS
  • hashcat
  • hashcat-utils
  • GNU tools: cat, awk, comm, sort, uniq



Let's say you have some tests/data/keywords.txt like the following:


Also, you know of a few common suffixes (tests/data/bits.txt) used in this particular case, namely:


We would use a modest set of Hashcat rules (tests/data/hashcat.rule): one that simply passes a keyword, and the other one that makes it upper case. Like these:



Now it's time to design a class that will build the wordlist for us according to some requirements, e.g.:

  • bits after each keyword
  • bits before each keyword
  • and on both sides of a keyword
from wordz import Combinator

class Passwords(Combinator):

    wordlists = (
    rules = (

    def process(self):

                self.right(self.temp('hashcat-data-keywords.txt'), self.base('data/bits.txt')),
                self.left(self.temp('hashcat-data-keywords.txt'), self.base('data/bits.txt')),
                self.both(self.temp('hashcat-data-keywords.txt'), self.base('data/bits.txt')),

What happens in the background is that wordz takes all wordlists defined on the class level and parses them using rules. It is done with the setup method which is launched before process, and which you can override with your own logic (however, you will probably want to keep self.wordlists_process() in there).

This is how we know the name of the file in the temporary directory: it is composed of the name of the rule (hashcat), the name of the parent directory (data) and name of the keywords file without extension (keywords).

There are three "shortcuts" for directories available in each Combinator instance: base(), temp() and output().


Now it's time to build our lists:

$ mkdir tmp
$ wordz -p data/classes.py::Passwords

The result should now be in passwords.txt.

Advanced usage

If you want to see how it is used in more advanced cases, have a look into tests or the brutas project.

Command line

Once installed, you can call wordz from the command line. Here are the arguments you can use:

usage: wordz [-h] -p PATH [-b BASE_DIR] [-t TEMP_DIR] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-v] [--min-length MIN_LENGTH] [--cores CORES] [--memory MEMORY] [--bin-hashcat BIN_HASHCAT] [--bin-combinator BIN_COMBINATOR] [--bin-rli2 BIN_RLI2] [-d | -q]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PATH, --path PATH  Class path (e.g. classes/passwords.py::ExtraPasswords)
  -b BASE_DIR, --base-dir BASE_DIR
                        Base directory path (default: .)
  -t TEMP_DIR, --temp-dir TEMP_DIR
                        Temporary directory path (default: tmp)
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory path (default: .)
  -v, --version         Print version
  --min-length MIN_LENGTH
                        Minimal length for a password when merging lists (default: 4)
  --cores CORES         Number of cores to be used for sorting (default: CPUs-based)
  --memory MEMORY       Percentage of memory to be used for sorting (default: 80%)
  --bin-hashcat BIN_HASHCAT
                        Hashcat binary (default: hashcat)
  --bin-combinator BIN_COMBINATOR
                        Hashcat utils `combinator` binary (default: combinator.bin)
  --bin-rli2 BIN_RLI2   Hashcat utils `rli2` binary (default: rli2.bin)
  -d, --debug           Debug mode
  -q, --quiet           Quiet mode