
A tool for creating external worker processes

pip install workerprocess==0.1.2


Worker Process

This package provides a wrapper to create standalone worker processes.

Build Status

There is more documentation at ReadTheDocs.

Example Worker

Workers are created by extending the BaseWorker class and implementing a tick method to execute then calling .main() on the class. This will start an infinite loop calling that function.

The worker can be rate limited with max_ticks_per_second.

The worker can be stopped gracefully by sending a SIGTERM to the process.

>>> import time
... from workerprocess import BaseWorker
... class ExampleWorker(BaseWorker):
...     max_ticks_per_second = 10
...     def tick(self):
...         print 'Tick!'
...         time.sleep(1)
... ExampleWorker.main()

A sighup method on the function will be called if the process receives a SIGHUP

Running the Worker

The easiest way to be able to run the worker is by adding a console_script entry point in your

example_worker_process = yourpackage.yourmodule:ExampleWorker.main

After installing your package you will be able to run the command example_worker_process from the command line.