
Tool to record Web Service calls and to serve them afterwards

pip install ws-recorder==0.9.1


WS Recorder


WSRecorder is a tool that provides proxy for your webservices. This tool allows to record and serve webservices samples. The proxy is python function decorator. Samples are XSLT templates, which transform requests to expected replies. Samples have a form of decision trees, where in each node a test against configured xpath is performed; tree paths depend on an xpath value for each request.


  • 0.9.9:
    • using functions from lxml-xpath2-functions, you can access them with prefix xp2f



params = {
    'request_msg_name': '//request/*',
    'reply_envelope_body': '//reply/*',
    'messages': {
        'msg1': [
    'output_dir': '/tmp/tmpdir/,

recorder = WSRecorder(mode=WSRecorder.Mode.RECORD, **params)
cls.record_service = staticmethod(recorder.decorator(web_service_mockup))


Object of this class provides proxy for webservices. First you need to create an object of this class to use the proxy.


WSRecorder.__init__(self, request_msg_name, reply_envelope_body, output_dir, mode=None, output_filename='{0}.output', messages={}):

Initializes object of WSRecord.

mode: parameter that controls behaviour of WSRecorder. Default value: WSRecorder.Mode.TRANSPARENT.

Available values:

  • WSRecorder.Mode.RECORD - records samples according to configuration into output directory.
  • WSRecorder.Mode.OVERRIDE - records sample according to configuration, overrides already recorded message.
  • WSRecorder.Mode.SERVE - serves recorded samples, doesn't hit the webservices, if fails raise NotRecordedException.
  • WSRecorder.Mode.TRANSPARENT - doesn't use recorded samples, just hit the webservices.
  • WSRecorder.Mode.SERVE_TRANSPARENT - try to use recorded samples, if fails just hit the webservices.
  • WSRecorder.Mode.SERVE_RECORD - try to use recorded samples, if fails just hit the webservices and record replies.

request_msg_name: xpath that indicates the name in the request message. Message name is afterwards used to configure specific handler for each message and to save replies of different messages in different files.

reply_envelope_body: xpath that indicates body of reply message. Reply body is that part of a reply message, which is meaningful and can change in replies. Everything "above" the reply body is constant and reused in every reply message. Reply message can not have empty node for reply_envelope_body xpath, in such situation exception NotRecordedException is raised.

output_dir: directory where recorded samples are stored in a RECORD/OVERRIDE modes and from which recorded samples are read in a SERVE mode.

output_filename: pattern for saved files. Default value {}.output. Message name is passed to string.format function.

messages: dictionary of configured messages. Keys in dictionary are messages names, values are list of xpaths, which are sequential checked against request message.

pretty_print: boolean param determines whether output file should be pretty printed. Default value: False.


ConfigurationException is raised during initialization when:

  • Request message name is not proper xpath,
  • Reply envelope body is not proper xpath,
  • Chosen mode is not allowed,
  • Any xpath for message is not proper xpath,
  • Output directory path is not proper.


WSRecorder.decorator(self, fn, mode=None):

Proxy for your webservice. It requires that as a first argument the decorated function takes a request message and returns a reply of message. Requests and replies of messages must be Python string or lxml.etree._Element.


NotRecordedException is raised in SERVE mode if sample doesn't have reply for given request.

ConfigurationException is raised in proxy function when:
  • configured xpaths doesn't match those saved in recorded sample, raise in modes: RECORD, OVERRIDE,


  • given mode is not allowed.

  • XPath with reply envelope body is not proper for given message reply.

Example usage

def webservice1(request):
    return reply