
description goes here

pip install wx-icons-tango==0.1.1



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This repository contains a framework for creating freedesktop-esque icon themes for wxPython. Each theme provides a custom wx.ArtProvider class that allows the icons to be accessed using icon names from the FreeDesktop Icon Theme Specification.

Several themes have been created using this framework:

wx_icons_hicolor This is the base theme for all other themes. It is based on the gnome-icon-theme. PyPI PyPI - Python Version PyPI - License
wx_icons_adwaita This theme is based on the Adwaita icon theme version 3.28. PyPI PyPI - Python Version PyPI - License
wx_icons_humanity This theme is based on the Humanity icon theme version 0.6.15. It also includes the Humanity_Dark theme PyPI PyPI - Python Version PyPI - License
wx_icons_suru This theme is based on the Suru icon theme version 20.04.4. PyPI PyPI - Python Version PyPI - License
wx_icons_tango This theme is based on public domain icons from the Tango Desktop Project. PyPI PyPI - Python Version PyPI - License

The individual themes contain instructions on how to use them in your program.