
Generate reports from a excel file and some data.

pip install xl-reports==0.1.0


XL Reports

Generate Excel reports!

  1. Create an Excel template file
  2. Define a report configuration
  3. Fetch your data
  4. Generate report

Report Configuration Schema

Report configuration is defined as array/list of objects/dicts.

"cell": Worksheet cell coordinates to insert data, example: "B2"

"range": Worksheet coordinate range to insert data. Range start coordinate is required and end coordinate is optional. examples: "B2:" or "B2:C5"

"data_key": Key to use when fetching values from the data dictionary to insert into the worksheet. example: data["report_date"]

"sheet": Worksheet name.

Example configuration

        "cell": "B2",
        "data_key": "account",
        "sheet": "my_sheet"
        "cell": "B4",
        "data_key": "report_date",
        "sheet": "my_sheet"
        "range": "A8",
        "data_key": "report_data",
        "sheet": "my_sheet"

Example data

    "account": "Engineering",
    "report_date": str(date.today()),
    "report_data": [
        [23.43, 11.96, 9.66],
        [6.99, 65.87, 45.33],