
A Python library for styling dataframes when exporting to excel.

pip install xlframe==0.0.6



A Python library for styling dataframes when exporting to excel.

Credit to DeepSpace2 and his StyleFrame package which this is based off of. This is just my rendition that I wrote to better fit my usage.


  1. Installation
  2. Components
        - XlFrame
            - Class
            - Methods
            - Properties
        - Style
        - utils
  3. Example Usage
        - Styling Data
        - Headers and Index styling
        - Column and Row dimensions
        - Hyperlinks
        - Miscellaneous


pip install xlframe



  • Class:
# from xlframe import XlFrame

class XlFrame:

    def __init__(self, dataframe, style=None, header_style=None, index_style=None, *, number_style=None,
                 date_style=None, datetime_style=None, timedelta_style=None, use_default_formats=True):
        :param dataframe: DateFrame to style.
        :type dataframe: pandas.DataFrame.
        :param style: Initial style to apply to frame. Default xlframe.Style.default_style().
        :type style: openpyxl.NamedStyle or xlframe.Style.
        :param header_style: Style for headers to use instead of style.
            Default center aligns, bolds and adds thin borders to style.
        :type header_style: openpyxl.NamedStyle or xlframe.Style.
        :param index_style: Style for index to use instead of style.
            Default bolds and adds thin borders to style. 
            Alignment and number format based on index type.
        :type index_style: openpyxl.NamedStyle or xlframe.Style.
        :param number_style: Style for numeric columns to use instead of style.
            Default right aligns style and sets number format to utils.NumberFormats.general.
        :type number_style: openpyxl.NamedStyle or xlframe.Style.
        :param date_style: Style for date columns to use instead of style.
            Default right aligns style and sets number format to utils.Options.default_date_format.
        :type date_style: openpyxl.NamedStyle or xlframe.Style.
        :param datetime_style: Style for datetime columns to use instead of style.
            Default right aligns style and sets number format to utils.Options.default_datetime_format.
        :type datetime_style: openpyxl.NamedStyle or xlframe.Style.
        :param timedelta_style: Style for timedelta columns to use instead of style.
            Default sets number format to utils.Options.default_timedelta_format.
            Tries to align left or right depending on if number format is textual or not.
        :type timedelta_style: openpyxl.NamedStyle or xlframe.Style.
        :param use_default_formats: Apply default formatting where a style is not supplied.
        :type use_default_formats: Boolean.

Class for styling dataframes. Styling based around openpyxl's NamedStyle. xlframe.Style available as an alternative to using NamedStyle.

Pandas-like syntax for assigning styles.
Assign to column/s:
    my_xlframe['Column1'] = my_style
    my_xlframe[['Column1', 'Column2']] = my_style

Use .styles or .istyles property like you would pandas.DataFrame.loc or .iloc but to assign styles:
    my_xlframe.styles[2:10, ['Column3', 'Column4']] = my_style
    my_xlframe.istyles[2:10, [2, 3]] = my_style

To edit the existing style at a set of locations pass a dictionary of changes:
    my_xlframe.styles[2:10, ['Column3', 'Column4']] = {'bold': True, 'font_color': 'red'}
Accepts any kwargs xlframe.Style does.

.auto_fit() attempts to fit column widths based on their contents.
.to_excel() to export styled dataframe. Supports .xlsx and .xlsm file formats.

Default type specific styling adjusts alignment and number format of style arg.

  • Methods:
    def ExcelWriter(path, load_existing=False, **kwargs):
        :param path: Full path for workbook.
        :type path: String.
        :param load_existing: Load existing workbook into excel_writer if one exists at path.
        :type load_existing: Boolean.
        :return: pandas.ExcelWriter

See pandas.ExcelWriter. Engine will be set to 'openpyxl'.

    def to_excel(self, excel_writer='output.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1', *, protect_sheet=False,
                 right_to_left=False, columns_to_hide=None, add_filters=False, replace_sheet=False,
                 auto_fit=None, **kwargs):
        :param excel_writer: ExcelWriter or file path to export to.
        :type excel_writer: ExcelWriter or string.
        :param sheet_name: Sheet name to export to.
        :type sheet_name: string.
        :param protect_sheet: Enable protection on sheet.
        :type protect_sheet: boolean.
        :param right_to_left: Make sheet right to left oriented.
        :type right_to_left: boolean.
        :param columns_to_hide: Columns to make hidden.
        :type columns_to_hide: string, int or list-like.
        :param add_filters: Add excel filters to header row.
        :type add_filters: boolean.
        :param replace_sheet: If sheet_name already exists delete it first.
        :type replace_sheet: boolean.
        :param auto_fit: Columns to autofit. Can pass True to fit all columns.
        :type auto_fit: list-like or boolean.
        :param kwargs: Passed to pandas.DataFrame.to_excel().
        :return: pandas.ExcelWriter.

Export to excel. Supports .xlsx/.xlsm. See pandas.DataFrame.to_excel() for more.

    def auto_fit(self, columns=None, scalar=None, flat=None, max_width=None, min_width=None,
                 index=True, include_header=True):
        :param columns: Columns to autofit.
        :type columns: list-like.
        :param scalar: To multiply by number of characters to get width. Default utils.Options.default_autofit_scalar.
        :type scalar: float.
        :param flat: Flat amount to add to width. Default utils.Options.default_autofit_flat.
        :type flat: float.
        :param max_width: Max allowed width. Default utils.Options.default_autofit_max.
        :type max_width: float.
        :param min_width: Min allowed width. Default utils.Options.default_autofit_min.
        :type min_width: float.
        :param index: Fit index width as well.
        :type index: boolean.
        :param include_header: Also consider width of column header when fitting. For index uses index.name.
        :type include_header: boolean.
        :return: self

Attempt to auto fit column widths. ~Max length entry in column * scalar + flat. If columns not provided fits all columns.

    def row_stripes(self, fill_color='D9D9D9'):
        :param fill_color: Color to fill. Hex, rgb tuple or or openpyxl.styles.Color.
        :type fill_color: str, tuple or openpyxl.styles.Color
        :return: self

Solid fill every other row with fill_color.

    def col_stripes(self, fill_color='D9D9D9'):
        :param fill_color: Color to fill. Hex, rgb tuple or or openpyxl.styles.Color.
        :type fill_color: str, tuple or openpyxl.styles.Color
        :return: self

Solid fill every other column with fill_color.

    def format_as_table(self, table_style=None, table_name=None, row_stripes=True, col_stripes=None, **kwargs):
        :param table_style: Table style to use.
        :type table_style: string (Ex. 'TableStyleLight1') or openpyxl.worksheet.table.TableStyleInfo
        :param table_name: Name for table. Must be unique within workbook.
            Default will find the next available name counting up. Table1, Table2, Table3 ect.
        :type table_name: string
        :param row_stripes: Show row stripes.
        :type row_stripes: boolean
        :param col_stripes: Show col stripes.
        :type col_stripes: boolean
        :param kwargs: Passed to openpyxl.worksheet.table.Table.
        :return: self

When exported format excel range as a table. Tables names must be unique within a workbook.
To format as table must use headers and filters will be enabled.

    def add_style(self, style):
        :param style: Style to add.
        :type style: xlframe.Style or openpyxl.styles.NamedStyle
        :return: Style name
        :rtype: str

Add style to available named styles. Can be assigned just by name afterwards.
Styles will also be automatically added when first assigned.

  • Properties:

Assign styles to data. Indexes as pandas.DataFrame.loc. .styles[:, :] = 'MyStyle'.


Assign styles to data. Indexes as pandas.DataFrame.iloc. .istyles[:, :] = 'MyStyle'.


Assign styles to headers. .header_styles = 'MyStyle'.
Or index as pandas.Series.
.header_styles[:] = 'MyStyle' .header_styles.loc[:] = 'MyStyle' .header_styles.iloc[:] = 'MyStyle'.


Assign styles to index. .index_styles = 'MyStyle'.
Or index as pandas.Series.
.index_styles[:] = 'MyStyle' .index_styles.loc[:] = 'MyStyle' .index_styles.iloc[:] = 'MyStyle'.


Assign row heights. .row_heights = 12.5.
Or index as pandas.Series.
.row_heights[:] = 12.5 .row_heights.loc[:] = 12.5 .row_heights.iloc[:] = 12.5.


Assign column widths. .column_widths = 25.
Or index as pandas.Series.
.column_widths[:] = 25 .column_widths.loc[:] = 25 .column_widths.iloc[:] = 25.


Assign header height. .header_height = 12.5.


Assign index width. .index_width = 12.5.


Add hyperlinks to a column. .hyperlinks['ColumnName'] = 'https://www.python.org/'. See usage examples.


Create new XlFrame from selection of current XlFrame. new_xlframe = old_xlframe.loc[10:20, ['Column1', 'Column2']].


Create new XlFrame from selection of current XlFrame. new_xlframe = old_xlframe.iloc[10:20, 2:4].


Tuple of openpyxl's available builtin style names.


  • Class:
# from xlframe import Style

class Style:

    def __init__(self, name, number_format=utils.NumberFormats.general, font_style=utils.Options.default_font_style,
                 font_size=utils.Options.default_font_size, font_color=None, bold=None, underline=None, italic=None,
                 strikethrough=None, fill_pattern='solid', fill_color=None, horizontal_alignment=None,
                 vertical_alignment=None, indent=0, wrap_text=None, shrink_to_fit=None,
                 border_style=None, border_color=None):
        :param name: Style name.
        :type name: str
        :param number_format: Excel number format. See utils.NumberFormats.
        :type number_format: str
        :param font_style: Excel font style. See utils.FontStyles.
        :type font_style: str
        :param font_size: Font size.
        :type font_size: int/float
        :param font_color: Font color. See utils.Colors.
        :type font_color: Hex str, (r, g, b) tuple or openpyxl.styles.Color
        :param bold: Make font bold.
        :type bold: boolean
        :param underline: Underline font. See utils.Underline.
        :type underline: boolean
        :param italic: Italic font.
        :type italic: boolean
        :param strikethrough: strikethrough font.
        :type strikethrough: boolean
        :param fill_pattern: Excel fill pattern. See utils.FillPattern.
        :type fill_pattern: str
        :param fill_color: Fill color. See utils.Colors.
        :type fill_color: Hex str, (r, g, b) tuple or openpyxl.styles.Color
        :param horizontal_alignment: Excel horizontal alignment. See utils.Alignments.Horizontal.
        :type horizontal_alignment: str
        :param vertical_alignment: Excel vertical alignment. See utils.Alignments.Vertical.
        :type vertical_alignment: str
        :param indent: Cell indent.
        :type indent: int
        :param wrap_text: Enable wrap text.
        :type wrap_text: boolean
        :param shrink_to_fit: Enable shrink to fit.
        :type shrink_to_fit: boolean
        :param border_style: Border style. See utils.BorderStyles.
        :type border_style: str
        :param border_color: Border color. See utils.Colors.
        :type border_color: Hex str, (r, g, b) tuple or openpyxl.styles.Color

Optional constructor for styles.
Style.to_named_style() or Style.named_style to get equivalent openpyxl.styles.NamedStyle.
Style.from_named_style(named_style) to convert openpyxl.styles.NamedStyle to equivalent Style.

  • Methods:
    def to_named_style(self):
        :return: openpyxl.styles.NamedStyle 

Convert to equivalent openpyxl.styles.NamedStyle.

    def from_named_style(cls, style):
        :param style: openpyxl.styles.NamedStyle 
        :return: Style

Convert openpyxl.styles.NamedStyle to equivalent Style.

  • Properties:


  • utils:
from xlframe import utils


Various constants and options for default settings.

from xlframe.utils import Options





Example Usage

Styling Data

import pandas as pd
from openpyxl.worksheet.table import TableStyleInfo

from xlframe import XlFrame, Style, utils

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Dates': [pd.datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=1) + pd.Timedelta(days=i) for i in range(10)],
    'Datetimes': [pd.datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=1) + pd.Timedelta(minutes=i * 100) for i in range(10)],
    'Strings': ['Abc', 'Def', 'Ghi', 'Jkl', 'Mno', 'Pqr', 'Stu', 'Vwx', 'Yz0', '123'],
    'Numbers': [i * 12345 for i in range(1, 11)],

# Simple export with default styling.
xf = XlFrame(df)
Underlying dataframe.
       Dates           Datetimes Strings  Numbers
0 2018-01-01 2018-01-01 00:00:00     Abc    12345
1 2018-01-02 2018-01-01 01:40:00     Def    24690
2 2018-01-03 2018-01-01 03:20:00     Ghi    37035
3 2018-01-04 2018-01-01 05:00:00     Jkl    49380
4 2018-01-05 2018-01-01 06:40:00     Mno    61725
5 2018-01-06 2018-01-01 08:20:00     Pqr    74070
6 2018-01-07 2018-01-01 10:00:00     Stu    86415
7 2018-01-08 2018-01-01 11:40:00     Vwx    98760
8 2018-01-09 2018-01-01 13:20:00     Yz0   111105
9 2018-01-10 2018-01-01 15:00:00     123   123450

          Dates         Datetimes  Strings         Numbers
0  Default Date  Default Datetime  Default  Default Number
1  Default Date  Default Datetime  Default  Default Number
2  Default Date  Default Datetime  Default  Default Number
3  Default Date  Default Datetime  Default  Default Number
4  Default Date  Default Datetime  Default  Default Number
5  Default Date  Default Datetime  Default  Default Number
6  Default Date  Default Datetime  Default  Default Number
7  Default Date  Default Datetime  Default  Default Number
8  Default Date  Default Datetime  Default  Default Number
9  Default Date  Default Datetime  Default  Default Number
# Export with auto_fit and filters. Filters go on top row.
xf.to_excel('test.xlsx', sheet_name='test', auto_fit=True, add_filters=True, index=False)
# Only auto_fit certain columns
xf.to_excel('test.xlsx', sheet_name='test', auto_fit=xf.columns[:2], add_filters=True)

# Different ways to assign styles. Pandas-like syntax.
xf = XlFrame(df)
# Create example style
style = Style(
    number_format='dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm',

# Assign style to entire column.
xf['Dates'] = style
# or columns.
xf[['Dates', 'Datetimes']] = 'Example'  # First assignment will register name. Can assign by just name after.

     Dates Datetimes  Strings         Numbers
0  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
1  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
2  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
3  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
4  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
5  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
6  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
7  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
8  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
9  Example   Example  Default  Default Number

# .styles property indexes as dataframe.loc but is for assigning styles.
xf.styles[xf['Numbers'] > 50000, ['Strings', 'Numbers']] = 'Neutral'  # Built-in style
# __getitem__ operations like (xf['SomeNumbers'] > 50000) will access
# the dataframe so you can do indexing like the above
# or source dataframe accessible at xf.dataframe.

# .istyles property indexes as dataframe.iloc but is for assigning styles.
xf.istyles[5:, [0, 1]] = 'Bad'

     Dates Datetimes  Strings         Numbers
0  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
1  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
2  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
3  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
4  Example   Example  Neutral         Neutral
5      Bad       Bad  Neutral         Neutral
6      Bad       Bad  Neutral         Neutral
7      Bad       Bad  Neutral         Neutral
8      Bad       Bad  Neutral         Neutral
9      Bad       Bad  Neutral         Neutral

style2 = Style(
# Convert xlframe.Style to openpyxl.styles.NamedStyle
named_style2 = style2.named_style
# Register ahead of time with XlFrame
# Assign by name
xf.styles[8:, 'Numbers'] = 'Example2'
# Assigning the object also still works
xf.styles[7, 'Numbers'] = named_style2
# Or the original xlframe.Style object
xf.styles[1, 'Numbers'] = style2

     Dates Datetimes  Strings         Numbers
0  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
1  Example   Example  Default        Example2
2  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
3  Example   Example  Default  Default Number
4  Example   Example  Neutral         Neutral
5      Bad       Bad  Neutral         Neutral
6      Bad       Bad  Neutral         Neutral
7      Bad       Bad  Neutral        Example2
8      Bad       Bad  Neutral        Example2
9      Bad       Bad  Neutral        Example2

# Pass dictionary of modifications for existing styles at cell locations.
# Accepts any properties xlframe.Style does.
# Resulting new styles will be given a new unique (numbered) name and registered.
xf.styles[:5, ['Datetimes', 'Strings']] = {
    'fill_pattern': utils.FillPattern.solid, 'fill_color': utils.Colors.light_orange
     Dates   Datetimes     Strings         Numbers
0  Example  Example[1]  Default[1]  Default Number
1  Example  Example[1]  Default[1]        Example2
2  Example  Example[1]  Default[1]  Default Number
3  Example  Example[1]  Default[1]  Default Number
4  Example  Example[1]  Neutral[1]         Neutral
5      Bad      Bad[1]  Neutral[1]         Neutral
6      Bad         Bad     Neutral         Neutral
7      Bad         Bad     Neutral        Example2
8      Bad         Bad     Neutral        Example2
9      Bad         Bad     Neutral        Example2

# To format the resulting excel range as a table
# Default just formats it as a table. No additional styling.
# To add table styles pass name of a table style
xf.format_as_table('TableStyleMedium3', row_stripes=False)
# Or create and pass openpyxl.worksheet.table.TableStyleInfo
table_style = TableStyleInfo('TableStyleLight1', showColumnStripes=True)

Headers and Index styling

import pandas as pd

from xlframe import XlFrame, Style

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Dates': [pd.datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=1) + pd.Timedelta(days=i) for i in range(10)],
    'Datetimes': [pd.datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=1) + pd.Timedelta(minutes=i * 100) for i in range(10)],
    'Strings': ['Abc', 'Def', 'Ghi', 'Jkl', 'Mno', 'Pqr', 'Stu', 'Vwx', 'Yz0', '123'],
    'Numbers': [i * 12345 for i in range(1, 11)],
xf = XlFrame(df)

# Header Styles. Defaults:
Dates        Default Header
Datetimes    Default Header
Strings      Default Header
Numbers      Default Header
Name: HeaderStyles, dtype: object
# Index Styles. Defaults:
0    Default Number Index
1    Default Number Index
2    Default Number Index
3    Default Number Index
4    Default Number Index
5    Default Number Index
6    Default Number Index
7    Default Number Index
8    Default Number Index
9    Default Number Index
Name: IndexStyles, dtype: object

# Supports similar kinds of assignments as Data.
style = Style(name='Example')
named_style = Style(name='Example2').named_style

# Assign to all headers
xf.header_styles = style
# Or index as pandas.Series.
xf.header_styles[0:2] = 'Good'
xf.header_styles['Numbers'] = 'Bad'
xf.header_styles.loc[['Numbers', 'Datetimes']] = 'Neutral'
xf.header_styles.iloc[-1] = named_style

Dates            Good
Datetimes     Neutral
Strings       Example
Numbers      Example2
Name: HeaderStyles, dtype: object

xf.index_styles = 'Neutral'
xf.index_styles[5:] = 'Good'
xf.index_styles[7] = 'Bad'
xf.index_styles.loc[1:3] = style
xf.index_styles.iloc[[3, 4, 5]] = named_style

0     Neutral
1     Example
2     Example
3    Example2
4    Example2
5    Example2
6        Good
7         Bad
8        Good
9        Good
Name: IndexStyles, dtype: object

Column and Row dimensions

import pandas as pd

from xlframe import XlFrame

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Dates': [pd.datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=1) + pd.Timedelta(days=i) for i in range(10)],
    'Datetimes': [pd.datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=1) + pd.Timedelta(minutes=i * 100) for i in range(10)],
    'Strings': ['Abc', 'Def', 'Ghi', 'Jkl', 'Mno', 'Pqr', 'Stu', 'Vwx', 'Yz0', '123'],
    'Numbers': [i * 12345 for i in range(1, 11)],
xf = XlFrame(df)

# xf.column_widths. Default width = utils.Options.default_column_width
Dates        8.43
Datetimes    8.43
Strings      8.43
Numbers      8.43
Name: ColumnWidths, dtype: float64
# xf.row_heights. Default height = utils.Options.default_row_height
0    15.0
1    15.0
2    15.0
3    15.0
4    15.0
5    15.0
6    15.0
7    15.0
8    15.0
9    15.0
Name: RowHeights, dtype: float64

# Assign to all
xf.column_widths = 13.5
# Or index as pandas.Series.
xf.row_heights[:7] = 22

Dates          13.5
Datetimes      13.5
Strings        13.5
SomeNumbers    13.5
Name: ColumnWidths, dtype: float64

0    22.0
1    22.0
2    22.0
3    22.0
4    22.0
5    22.0
6    22.0
7    15.0
8    15.0
9    15.0
Name: RowHeights, dtype: float64

# Header height and index width stored separately as individual numbers.
xf.header_height = 20
xf.index_width = 16


import pandas as pd
from openpyxl.worksheet.hyperlink import Hyperlink

from xlframe import XlFrame

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Dates': [pd.datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=1) + pd.Timedelta(days=i) for i in range(10)],
    'Datetimes': [pd.datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=1) + pd.Timedelta(minutes=i * 100) for i in range(10)],
    'Strings': ['Abc', 'Def', 'Ghi', 'Jkl', 'Mno', 'Pqr', 'Stu', 'Vwx', 'Yz0', '123'],
    'Numbers': [i * 12345 for i in range(1, 11)],
xf = XlFrame(df)

# To add hyperlinks to a column use the .hyperlinks property
# Can assign as a simple string
xf.hyperlinks['Strings'] = 'https://exampleurl.com/'
# Or as an openpyxl.worksheet.hyperlink.Hyperlink
xf.hyperlinks['Numbers'] = Hyperlink(
    ref='',  # ref will be assigned for you when to_excel() is called
xf.hyperlinks['Numbers'] = xf['Numbers'].apply(
    lambda x: Hyperlink(
        ref='',  # ref will be assigned for you when to_excel() is called
        tooltip='My Number is {}'.format(x)

# Hyperlinks won't automatically be styled as hyperlinks.
# To add hyperlink styling
xf['Numbers'] = 'Hyperlink'



import pandas as pd

from xlframe import XlFrame

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Dates': [pd.datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=1) + pd.Timedelta(days=i) for i in range(10)],
    'Datetimes': [pd.datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=1) + pd.Timedelta(minutes=i * 100) for i in range(10)],
    'Strings': ['Abc', 'Def', 'Ghi', 'Jkl', 'Mno', 'Pqr', 'Stu', 'Vwx', 'Yz0', '123'],
    'Numbers': [i * 12345 for i in range(1, 11)],

# Disable default styling
xf = XlFrame(df, style='Normal', use_default_formats=False)
    Dates Datetimes Strings Numbers
0  Normal    Normal  Normal  Normal
1  Normal    Normal  Normal  Normal
2  Normal    Normal  Normal  Normal
3  Normal    Normal  Normal  Normal
4  Normal    Normal  Normal  Normal
5  Normal    Normal  Normal  Normal
6  Normal    Normal  Normal  Normal
7  Normal    Normal  Normal  Normal
8  Normal    Normal  Normal  Normal
9  Normal    Normal  Normal  Normal

# Provide type specific initial styles
xf = XlFrame(
    df, style='Normal', header_style='Pandas', index_style='Pandas', 
    number_style='Good', date_style='Bad', datetime_style='Neutral'
  Dates Datetimes Strings Numbers
0   Bad   Neutral  Normal    Good
1   Bad   Neutral  Normal    Good
2   Bad   Neutral  Normal    Good
3   Bad   Neutral  Normal    Good
4   Bad   Neutral  Normal    Good
5   Bad   Neutral  Normal    Good
6   Bad   Neutral  Normal    Good
7   Bad   Neutral  Normal    Good
8   Bad   Neutral  Normal    Good
9   Bad   Neutral  Normal    Good

# Slice an XlFrame with .loc or .iloc
xf2 = xf.loc[2:7, ['Dates', 'Datetimes', 'Strings']]
  Dates Datetimes Strings
2   Bad   Neutral  Normal
3   Bad   Neutral  Normal
4   Bad   Neutral  Normal
5   Bad   Neutral  Normal
6   Bad   Neutral  Normal
7   Bad   Neutral  Normal

xf3 = xf.iloc[5:, [0, 1]]
  Dates Datetimes
5   Bad   Neutral
6   Bad   Neutral
7   Bad   Neutral
8   Bad   Neutral
9   Bad   Neutral